Planning Applications

Have you spoken to a Planner and scheduled a Development Review Committee Pre-Application Meeting?
Download the Guidebook, review and complete the questionnaire, call and speak to the Planner on Duty, 913-715-2200 or email us.
Search Address
Before you create an application, make sure the address for your project is in the ‘unincorporated’ Johnson County area. Enter an address or KUPN number in the location search box provided. If the address returns with ‘Unincorporated Area’ then you can proceed with the permit application process. If your search returns with a ‘City’ name, then use the contact information provide to contact your city planning department.
Accessory Building Use Permit
Accessory Dwelling Unit
An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is defined as a dwelling unit that is accessory and secondary to the principal dwelling unit and under the same ownership in all respects. The Principal Dwelling Unit is defined to be the larger of the two dwellings. ADUs are not duplexes and is not intended to replace duplex and other multi-family zoning districts and dwellings.