ACL's message to seniors: Age Your Way

Every May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. In 2022, ACL will be focusing on aging in place – how older adults can plan to stay in their homes and live independently in their communities for as long as possible.

The 2022 theme is Age My Way, an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities. Planning, participation, accessibility and making connections all play a role in aging in place – emphasizing that what each person needs and prefers is unique.

Consider some ideas and options for yourself, if you said, “I’m going to Age My Way.”

You could travel more, participate in local events and activities, join a club or recreational group, go to the gym, the movies, the theatre, or create something meaningful by writing, painting, playing a musical instrument, singing or maybe volunteering and advocating for a cause you value and believe in.

Life is not about doing everything, but about starting where you are, using what you’ve got, and doing what you can. Focus on that, and you can live a life rich with the activities you love.

You can enjoy every day pastimes such as reading, learning, socializing and sharing.

You can find peace, joy and passion in life’s simple pleasures.

And if you need help with resources and in-home care along the way, you can call the Area Agency on Aging.

Here's some ideas to get started on your “Age My Way” to-do list:

  • Organize, clean, move. Design living spaces that support and inspire you.
  • Enjoy a meal and socialize at a neighborhood senior center.
  • Enroll in CHAMPSS meals at Hy-Vee or home-delivered meals.
  • Get a home safety checklist or help at home if needed.
  • Plan three ways to be safer and healthier every day.
  • Do advance planning to arrange legal and financial help when you need it.
  • Advocate for senior issues as a board member or legislative advocate.
  • Explore retirement housing options.
  • Visit communities near you.
  • Learn your options for the healthcare and homecare you need.
  • Make a transportation plan to get out every week. Go. Enjoy. Repeat.
  • Choose exercise, wellness and recreation programs you love.
  • Find education programs, book groups, library activities, music, entertainment.
  • Participate in social and religious activities that connect you and lift your spirits.

Call the information and assistance line at the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging at 913-715-8861 to find out about resources in Johnson County; and see the activities and events featured in The Best Times.