Day Services
Retirement Services

Many older adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities prefer to participate in day activities that are typical of those that many seniors enjoy during their retirement years. JCDS retirement activity programs are structured to connect both the aging systems and disabilities networks in empowering older adults with disabilities to have full access to community services.
The retirement program is open to individuals who are over the age of 55 who are receiving services from JCDS. The retirement program is structured so participants can maintain integration in the community while benefiting from therapeutic intervention and daily on-site leisure, health and wellness, and educational activities.
Employment Services

JCDS promotes the values of “Employment First” with a focus on integrated, community-based employment for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to earn at or above the minimum wage as the first option. If competitive integrated employment is not an immediate goal or inaccessible in the short term, JCDS offers a variety of on-site and community-based employment and community volunteer service options for individuals with all levels of support needs. For retired citizens, and for those impacted by significant health-related conditions, JCDS provides a variety of meaningful day activities.
Work Enrichment

Work Enrichment consists of Papercrete Works, Emerging Artists, On-Site Work Services, and Supported Employment.
Papercrete Works is a program that creates community integrated employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Emerging Artists program consists of adult artists with IDD who are passionate and driven to create artwork.
Our on-site workforce is experienced in assembly, heat-sealing, material handling, packaging, labeling and collating.
A Supported Employment work crew is a group of individuals who act as a team to complete production work.
Life Enrichment

Life Enrichment (also known as Community Services) offer individuals who would prefer not to engage in paid work for the entire day, the opportunity to enjoy a more laid-back environment. The program schedules daily recreational and educational opportunities to the participants; however, the participants choose their level of participation. Offered activities include, but are not limited to outings; board/card games; movies; arts & crafts; exercise and much more. Again, each individual determines their level of participation. In a nutshell, our goal is to ensure that the participants end their day happy, healthy and excited to return tomorrow.