
Catch-a-Ride (CaR) is a social service program that provides volunteer transportation to medical appointments, food pantries and social service agencies within Johnson County.
CaR is available for Johnson County residents who are 60+, or have a physical disability, or are in a major life transition and currently cannot drive.
All CaR participants must complete an application and be accepted into the program before placing a ride request.
Catch-a-Ride Applicant Materials
Before applying for Catch-a-Ride services, please review the Catch-a-Ride handbook (English) or Catch-a-Ride handbook (Spanish). All Johnson County residents interested in utilizing the Catch-a-Ride volunteer transportation service must complete an application (English) or application (Spanish) Please contact the CaR Coordinator if you need assistance or have questions about the application process.
Frequent Questions
Where can CaR take me?
Catch-a-Ride volunteer drivers transport Johnson County residents to medical appointments, food pantries and social service agencies such as the Housing Authority, Department for Children & Families Services, Social Security Administration, etc.
Destinations must be in Johnson County. Exceptions are made for some medical appointment destinations (St. Luke's on the Plaza, St. Joseph Medical Center and UMKC Dental School) but are limited based on the availability of volunteer drivers.
All ride requests must be placed with a minimum of five business days advanced notice.
Riders may request 'up to' ONE ride request per week.
Ride requests are not guaranteed to be filled by a volunteer driver. If there are no drivers available, the rider will receive 24 hours notice of the cancellation.
Rides may be canceled due to inclement weather to protect the safety of both riders and volunteer drivers.
How much does CaR Cost?
Catch-a-Ride is a donation based program with basic funding provided by Johnson County Government. Donation letters are mailed monthly to those who utilize the program.
The suggested donation is $5 each way ($10 round trip). Riders will not be denied service because they cannot afford to make a donation.
Want to make a donation? You can donate here.
Who are the volunteer drivers?
Volunteer drivers (25 years of age or older) are required to attend an Aging and Human Services General Orientation and a Catch-a-Ride training session.
All volunteer drivers must successfully pass a criminal history background and motor vehicle record check. Additionally, volunteer drivers must have a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance on file.
Do volunteers stay with the rider during appointments?
Volunteer drivers may wait in the lobby during your scheduled appointment and bring you home afterwards or volunteers may drop you off at the destination and return to pick you up at a scheduled time.
If you know your appointment is longer than an hour, please let the Catch-a-Ride staff know and driver assignments will be made accordingly.
What are rider requirements?
- CaR riders must be a Johnson County resident in good standing.
- CaR riders must be 60+ or physically disabled or in a major life transition where they cannot drive.
- CaR riders must be able to transfer in and out of a motor vehicle. Volunteers can offer hand-to-elbow assistance. CaR riders will be asked whether they need an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act and, if so, what accommodation is requested.
How do I become a Catch-a-Ride rider (participant)?
If you are interested in becoming a Catch-a-Ride rider/participant, you must complete an application and submit it to CaR for approval.
The CaR handbook (English) or CaR handbook (Spanish) is available online.
CaR application (English) and CaR application (Spanish) are available online. Residents may contact the Catch-a-Ride staff to request an application via email or telephone.
All riders must have an application on file and be accepted into the Catch-a-Ride program prior to requesting a ride.
How much notice is needed to request a ride?
Once approved as a Catch-a-Ride participant (rider), ride requests must be made with a minimum of five business days notice. We highly recommend two weeks' notice due to the number of ride requests received each week. Rides are based on volunteer availability. We cannot guarantee a ride request will be filled. If CaR is unable to fill a ride request, the participant will receive at least 24 hours notice to find alternative transportation.
Catch-a-Ride is not an emergency transportation resource for same-day appointments or to destinations such as urgent care or the hospital.
All riders must be accepted into the program with an application on file prior to making a ride request.
What are the inclement weather guidelines?
During inclement weather, Catch-a-Ride services may be canceled to protect the safety of both riders and volunteers. If services are canceled on a day you are scheduled for a ride, a Catch-a-Ride staff member will notify you via email or phone. Cancellations will also be posted on Johnson County's Winter Weather Guide, Aging and Human Services Facebook page, and Aging and Human Services Twitter/X page.
On winter days when rides are not canceled, riders are responsible for maintaining a clear and safe pathway on their driveway and sidewalk leading to their residence door to ensure safe access for our volunteers. The ride will be canceled if the volunteer cannot safely reach your door due to snow or ice. If your driveway or sidewalk cannot be cleared before your scheduled ride, please cancel the ride in advance.
What are other transportation resources?
Other transportation resources can be found on our Information and Community Resources page.
Contact Information
Anna Collins
Catch-a-Ride Coordinator