Accessibility Services

The Accessibility Program advocates for full access to all aspects of Johnson County life for homebound individuals with a physical disability, aged 18-59.
Accessibility services provides in-home services such as Home Delivered Meals, light housekeeping, case management and resources.
Frequent Questions
What types of services are provided?
Accessibility Services provides a variety of in-home services available to Johnson County residents with a physical disability, who are homebound, and 59 years of age or under, to enable independent living. Individuals who are 60 years and older should call the Area Agency on Aging for more information about services.
- Homemaker services help you maintain the cleanliness of a home, such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, laundry, changing bed linens and cleaning bathrooms. Services are usually a couple of hours of home care weekly or every other week.
- Home-delivered meals are an option for individuals with a disability who qualify as needing this service. A hot noon meal is provided Monday - Friday.
- Case management assists persons with a disability in assessing needs, finding available resources and connecting them with resources so they can live as independently as possible.
What are the qualifications for the Accessibility program?
- Must be a Johnson County resident.
- Must be 59 years of age or younger.
- Must have a documented physical disability.
- Must be at or below the 200% of federal poverty guidelines. Aging and Human Services utilizes total gross income for the household which includes wages, social security, unemployment, TANF and child support.
Are there additional resources?
Additional services, resources, and support groups for individuals with disabilities are listed by category in the Explore Your Options Directory, under categories: Disability Services, Sign Language Interpreting, and Support Groups.
Also see My Resource Connection for service listings.
Contact Information
Accessibility Program
Office: 913-715-8916
TTY: 1-800-766-3777