Medicaid/KanCare ADRC - Aging and Disability Resource Center

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are places where people can turn for information on public long-term support programs and benefits, especially Medicaid or KanCare in Kansas.

The local ADRC is hosted by the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging, 913-715-8861. The statewide call center can be reached at 1-855-200-2372 for services in Kansas.

Contact an Information Specialist

Tell us your needs and start a process where resources and options to meet those needs are addressed. Discuss eligibility criteria for public programs, and gain perspective on the process to get assistance.  Specialists can provide basic information, options counseling or refer a person for assessment by an eligibility and options specialist.

Call 913-715-8861 or fill out the Services Intake Request Form in the left sidebar of this page.

About ADRCs

Area Agencies on Aging serving all Kansas counties provide ADRC services throughout the state. They provide information and options for benefits and services.

They also provide functional assessments for three Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) programs: the Frail Elderly (FE), Physically Disabled (PD) and Brain Injury (BI).  HCBS services help individuals at home or in some assisted living facilities that are enrolled as Medicaid providers for the Frail Elderly and Physically Disabled.

Medicaid’s HCBS Programs

  • The PD Program helps those with long-term Physical Disabilities (PD) age 16-64.
  • The BI Program helps individuals with Brain Injuries/strokes (BI) age 0-64.
  • The FE Program helps the Frail Elderly (FE) age 65+.
  • The IDD Program supports Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) ages 5+.
  • The SED Program helps children with Severe Emotional Disturbance age 4-18.
  • The Autism Program helps children under age 6 with Autism.
  • The Technology Assistance Programs helps individuals age 0-21 needing Technology Assistance.

For the IDD Program contact the Community Developmental Disability Organization in Johnson County 913-826-2600

For the SED, Autism, and TA Programs call the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services at 1-785-296-4983

Learn more about Medicaid and HCBS

Medicaid is state healthcare insurance for "low-income" people who need nursing home care, people 65 and older, people who are blind or disabled as determined by social security, pregnant women, and children under age 19.

You may apply for Medicaid (KanCare in Kansas) at or by requesting an application from the KanCare ClearingHouse in Topeka at 1-800-792-4884

Read more about Medicaid and Home and Community Based Services here:

Medicaid is not Medicare, which is federal healthcare insurance for people over age 65 and people with kidney disease and disabilities. For more about Medicare, see SHICK/Medicare Insurance Counseling.