Adult Immunizations
The need for immunization doesn't end with childhood. Adults also need vaccines to protect against disease.
Our walk-in immunization clinic wait times vary at this time of year. Please visit to locate alternative vaccination providers. If you have private insurance or Medicaid, you may call the phone number on the back of your insurance card for in-network providers.
Note: If the estimated wait time exceeds our hours of operation, we may find it necessary to suspend our services. You can try again when the queue opens later or on the next business day.
If you need a copy of your immunization record, please complete the Release of Information Authorization (English) or Autorización de Divulgación de Información (Español) form and return it to us via email at You can fax the form to us at 913-826-1300. If you need further assistance, contact Medical Records at 913-477-8355.
Adolescents and Adults: Take this quiz to find out which vaccines you may need. This quiz provides information for people age 11 years and older.
- Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule
- Vacunas recomendadas para adultos de 19 años en adelante
- Vaccines for Adults
What to Bring with You
- Your immunization record
- Insurance card
- Payment is required before receiving some vaccines. See the list below.
- Immunization Consent Form or Formulario de Consentimiento Para las Vacunas
Walk-In Immunization Clinic Hours
Adult Immunizations Offered
- Chickenpox (Varicella)
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- HPV (Gardasil 9)
- Influenza (Seasonal and High Dose Flu)
- Measles/Mumps/Rubella
- Meningitis: MenQuadfi, Penbraya, Trumenba
- Mpox – Payment is required before receiving this vaccine.
- Polio
- Pneumococcal (Prevnar 20)
- RSV (age 60+) – Adults ages 60-74 with no history of RSV vaccination must bring a note from their healthcare provider indicating a chronic medical condition that increases the risk of severe RSV disease.
- RSV (pregnant persons 32-36 weeks gestation) – Call 913-826-1261 for vaccine availability and requirements.
- Shingles (Shingrix, age 50+)
- TB Test – Payment is required before receiving this service.
- Tetanus diphtheria/Tdap
Fees for immunizations.