2021 JCDS Annual Report

Johnson County Developmental Supports (JCDS) is an agency of Johnson County Government that facilitates career and personal development for Johnson County residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

A developmental disability is a chronic condition present before age 22 due to physical and/or mental impairments such as intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism or Down syndrome, among others. JCDS was established in 1972 through the committed efforts of parents and other intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) advocates. The agency is guided by a seven-member governing board appointed by the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners.

Community Developmental Disabilities Organizations

CDDO PPE Distribution

The CDDO helps facilitate PPE distribution to the affiliate provider network.

In 1995, the Kansas legislature passed the Developmental Disabilities Reform Act, which changed the face of community-based services. It designated 27 “single point of entry” agencies called Community Developmental Disabilities Organizations to work with a network of service providers and ensure quality services in their assigned area. Johnson County Government is this agency for Johnson County.

Responsibilities include:

• Serving as single point of entry for Johnson County residents seeking IDD services.
• Determining eligibility for IDD services.
• Helping people and their families or guardians choose from an array of available service options.
• Supporting a network of Johnson County service providers and their service capacity.
• Performing quality assurance duties to ensure personal choice, necessary supports, protection from harm and the opportunity to exercise individual rights/responsibilities.

CDDO By The Numbers

# of people Services received
1,883 Total services
1,732 Targeted case management services
1,023 Day supports
715 Residential supports
881 IDD services (on the waitlist)
609 Personal assistance services
14 Supportive home care

Community Service Provider

Outing in the sunflower field

People in services enjoy a variety of outings throughout the year.

JCDS is a community service provider that provides individualized supports based on needs, preferences, goals and abilities. Services include targeted case management, residential services, day and employment services, and health support services.

CSP By The Numbers

# of people Services received
550 Total services
421 Case management services
372 Residential services
303 Day and employment services
121 Residential services


Project SEARCH Graduates

The 2020 & 2021 Project SEARCH graduates.

JCDS follows an employment-first philosophy. If a person in service wants to work, our dedicated staff work tirelessly to help them make that goal a reality through our employment program. We help with resume prep, job coaching, skills training, internship acquisition and more.

Competitive Community Employment

Brandi Mebane working

34 people found work

$10.68 avg. wage

JCDS employment specialists help with job applications, job readiness skills and job coaching so people in service can achieve employment in the community.

Competitive Community Employment

Supported Worksites

Person working at supported worksite

4 worksites

18 crew members at supported worksites

$7.25 avg. hourly wage

Workers perform duties in a community business supervised by a JCDS job coach.

Supported Employment

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH Graduate

8 graduates

8 jobs secured

$12.22 avg. wage

This education-to-employment model allows people to intern with local businesses and learn job skills.

Project SEARCH

Emerging Artists

Emerging Artist Working

13 artists

9 shows 

$20,241 total sales

1,436 pieces sold

The Emerging Artists program exists to develop the artists’ skills so they may reach their full potential and receive income through the sale of their art.

Learn more about Emerging Artists

Shop Emerging Artists

Papercrete Works

Papercrete Works Fall Decor

4 participants

2 shows

$5,816 total sales

288 pieces sold

Papercrete is a mixture of cement, water and recycled paper. The ingredients are mixed and poured into molds through a collaborative process between staff and program participants to create products for sale such as planters and other home decor.

Learn more about Papercrete Works

Shop Papercrete Works

Day Services

Life Enrichment Activities

Life Enrichment at the Elmore Center gives people in services an opportunity to participate in creative activities.

The day services program provides people in service an opportunity to have meaningful activities throughout their day through work, volunteering, creative arts, outings, celebrations and any other activity they enjoy.

Work Enrichment

Young man in work enrichment

45 people working onsite

24 contracts

7 customers

191,659 pieces fulfilled

Many people choose to work at the Elmore Center, fulfilling orders under the supervision of JCDS staff.

Work Enrichment

Life Enrichment

Man working on activity

82 participants

People in service have the opportunity to participate in an alternative work day that is focused on community service and creative expression.

Life Enrichment

Retirement Program

A person in the retirement program with a puppy

22 participants

14 people with dementia

A retirement program is offered to support people 55 and over who are interested.

Retirement Program


Residential Services

JCDS supports a total of 121 people in 50 residences across Johnson County. This includes 92 people who live with roommates and have continuous staff support and 29 who live independently. Eighteen homes are owned by Friends of JCDS, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides affordable and accessible housing for people with IDD.

Case Management

JCDS provided targeted case management services and created person-centered support plans for 421 people in 2021.

Community Behavioral Health Team

In a partnership with Johnson County Mental Health, JCDS created the Community Behavioral Health Team to provide support for people with both an IDD and mental health diagnosis. In 2021, 83 people and their families received assistance.

Health Supports

In 2021, JCDS nursing staff oversaw the administration of more than 42,000 doses of medications to more than 331 people in service by 203 direct support staff on average each month.


Budgeting Stock Photo


Source Amount
County $15,700,143
HCBS, Medicaid, Private Contracts $8,890,737
State, Federal Contracts, Grants $2,623,615


Source Amount
CSP $19,391,659
County Cost Allocation $3,298,233
Admin Supports $2,564,977
CDDO $1,394,167


  • Accredited by CQL, an international rehabilitation accreditation commission
  • Licensed and partially funded by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services
  • A Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation Services vendor
  • Member of ANCOR, the American Network of Community Options and Resources
  • Member of InterHab, the Resource Network for Kansans with Disabilities