Food Service Permitting
When fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are discharged into the sewer system, they cool and solidify, restricting or blocking the flow of wastewater. This can result in sewer backups into homes, businesses, and the environment. The most effective way to prevent FOG accumulation in the sewer system is to capture it at the source through the use of grease interceptors. Our food service permitting team regulates and monitors the pumping and maintenance of grease interceptors and establishes best management practices (BMPs) for FOG prevention.
Grease Interceptor Operating Permit (GIOP)
Where Required
Grease interceptors and Grease Interceptor Operating Permits (GIOPs) are required for all commercial Food Service Establishments (FSEs). Applications shall be submitted by the FSE owner for all new construction projects, tenant finish/remodels, and changes of ownership. The following conditions apply:
- GIOPs are for the operation and use of grease interceptors ONLY. Separate commercial permits are required for the installation, modification, and repair of grease interceptors and their associated plumbing.
- GIOPs shall be renewed annually. Each permit shall be renewed by April 15th of each year. The 'Annual Permit Renewal Notification Recipient' listed in the application will receive notice prior to permit expiration.
- FSEs that share a common grease interceptor are required to complete the Common Interceptor Agreement in addition to the GIOP.
- FSEs meeting certain criteria may qualify for a Low Grease Discharge Waiver (LGDW) in lieu of a GIOP. See section below for details.
Applications shall be submitted through My Government Online (MGO) Permits & Licensing. The following items are required:
- Building address
- Contact information (business name, first and last name, address, phone number, and email address) for the following:
- Applicant
- Food Service Establishment Owner
- Food Service Establishment Manager
- Annual Permit Renewal Notification Recipient
- General establishment information (e.g., food preparation, kitchen equipment, meal counts, etc.)
- Kitchen Plans
- Plumbing Plans
- Menu
Applications are reviewed as quickly as possible in the order in which they are received. You may track the status of your application and permit through My Government Online (MGO).
Fees may be paid through My Government Online (MGO) or in-person at our office. The following fees may apply:
Type | Amount | Description |
Grease Interceptor Operating Permit Fee | $290 | Charged prior to issuance of the initial GIOP. Applies to all establishments with a grease interceptor. |
Annual Permit Renewal Fee | $290 | Charged annually. Fee must be paid by April 15th of each year. |
Low Grease Discharge Waiver (LGDW)
Where Required
Low Grease Discharge Waivers (LGDWs) are required in lieu of a Grease Interceptor Operating Permit (GIOP) for all Food Service Establishments (FSEs) that meet the following criteria:
- Serves only ready-to-eat foods with no preparation at the facility, other than warming, including, but not limited to: scoop-only ice cream shops, sandwich shops, popcorn stands, hot dog rollers, etc.
- Prepares only uncooked or unbaked food or meals that will be taken from the facility and cooked or baked at another location.
- Baked goods such as, but not limited to, cookies, cakes, breads, pretzels, etc.
The following conditions apply:
- Establishments that qualify for a LGDW will be inspected periodically to ensure compliance with the qualifying criteria.
- LGDWs shall be renewed annually. Each permit shall be renewed by April 15th of each year. The 'Annual Permit Renewal Notification Recipient' listed in the application will receive notice prior to permit expiration with renewal instructions.
Applications shall be submitted through My Government Online (MGO) Permits & Licensing. The following items are required:
- Building address
- Contact information (business name, first and last name, address, phone number, and email address) for the following:
- Applicant
- Food Service Establishment Owner
- Food Service Establishment Manager
- Annual Permit Renewal Notification Recipient
- General establishment information (e.g., food preparation, kitchen equipment, meal counts, etc.)
- Kitchen Plans
- Plumbing Plans
- Menu
Applications are reviewed as quickly as possible in the order in which they are received. You may track the status of your application and permit through My Government Online (MGO).
Fees may be paid through My Government Online (MGO) or in-person at our office. The following fees may apply:
Type | Amount | Description |
Low Grease Discharge Waiver Fee | $348 | Charged prior to issuance of the initial LGDW. Applies to all establishments with that do not require a grease interceptor. |
Annual Permit Renewal Fee | $290 | Charged annually. Fee must be paid by April 15th of each year. |
Grease Interceptor Pumping Variance
Where Required
Interceptor pumping and cleaning is required at least once every 90 days for most establishments. A pumping variance may be considered if you believe your interceptor requires less frequent pumping.
To begin the variance process, please complete the following form and email it to
Food Service Form C - Pumping Variance Application
Once the application has been submitted, the operator must have the interceptor pumped and cleaned while JCW is present. Please call JCW to schedule an inspection.
Fees may be paid through My Government Online (MGO) or in-person at our office. The following fees may apply:
Type | Amount | Description |
Pumping Variance Fee | $348 | Charged prior to issuance of the interceptor pumping variance. |
Administrative Citations
Failure to comply with the conditions of a Grease Interceptor Operating Permit (GIOP), Low Grease Discharge Waiver (LGDW), or the Johnson County Code of Regulations for Sanitary Sewer Use may result in the issuance of an Administrative Citation. Cited individuals who wish to dispute their Administrative Citations must submit an Administrative Citation Hearing Request Form along with an Advance Deposit of the Administrative Fine within thirty (30) days of the issue date.
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