Utility Permit Package

Electrician working on breaker box

Utility companies and their contractors are required to obtain a utility permit for work being done in unincorporated Johnson County. Fees to cover inspection and long term maintenance issues are assessed on all work except for public utilities in a new subdivision prior to the subdivision streets being accepted by the County, and for work in relation to County projects.

Utility Permit Package

Road Crossings

A Road Crossing Permit is for individuals who may need to install a service line across a public road. The usual situation would be where a water line is located across the road from a new house. An owner or their contractor would obtain a Road Crossing Permit to install the water service line. These types of projects are not as complex as parallel installations, and the Road Crossing Permit is much simpler than a Utility Permit. The Road Crossing Permit can be found on page 3 of the Utility Permit Package.

Fees for inspection and road cuts are identical to the Utility Permit. However, the individuals or his contractor are required to post a deposit for cutting and trenching an asphalt road, to insure that the road and right-of-way are restored properly. The deposit for cutting an asphalt road is $3,000. The deposit must be a company check or a certified check or money order made payable to Johnson County Public Works. We do not accept checks from private individuals.

We may use the deposit or that part as may be necessary to properly restore the right-of-way, remove defective work and unpaid fees due to overrun of time. The deposit or any unexpended portion will be returned after the completion of the work in a manner satisfactory to Johnson County.