Mental Health Resources

Employee Burnout & How to Help
Burnout is exhaustion and withdrawal caused by excessive and prolonged workplace stress. Low energy, increased absenteeism, negative attitude, decreased performance, inability to cope and alienation are all signs and symptoms of burnout.
If you feel like your employees are experiencing burnout here are some (things/activities) you can try:

Host a get to know you or team building event with your executive team, board, community partners or teams.

Provide mindfulness trainings with Pause First Academy or other qualified trainers.

Partner with a business that provides a service for your people staff. Ex. Food truck, massages, boxed lunch, support animals. Include a component if your staff can’t attend, like a gift card.

Recognize and show appreciation to staff in a variety of ways I.e. appreciation mailer sent to employee’s home addresses or utilizing communication or using intranet/internal communication mechanisms for clear messaging/kudos.

Encourage healthy habits such as sleep hygiene, physical activity, balanced nutrition and meaningful social connections.