Johnson County Prevention and Recovery Coalition

In March of 2022, a group of community stakeholders came together to tackle the concerning trend of opioid and fentanyl misuse and death in our community. The coalition has grown to include members of diverse sectors including; healthcare providers, school professions, first responders, community advocates, treatment and recovery community, along with many more. The group produced a community assessment report to identify local conditions to guide priorities.
Through the leadership of Johnson County Mental Health Center, the coalition is utilizing the Strategic Prevention Framework, an evidence based process, to plan, implement and evaluate prevention efforts. Within the first year of establishment, the coalition has developed a leadership team, identified the mission and vision, and created workgroups to carry out the priorities.
Coalition Workgroups
Each workgroup is deciding upon initiatives and metrics/objectives and will be utilizing the next couple of meetings to make those decisions.
Prevention and Education
The Prevention & Education subcommittee strives to coordinate with community partners to provide all-inclusive messaging, information and strategies to address substance use and misuse as it relates to the current opioid epidemic.
Root Causes: Trauma and ACEs
Substance abuse and addiction almost always have underlying causes, and these roots of addiction must be addressed. The root causes subcommittee looks at these factors at the population level, aiming to identify interventions that ameliorate them, thus preventing individuals in the future from becoming addicted.
We need individuals to join the Trauma subcommittee. If you are interested in joining, please email
Harm Reduction
The Harm Reduction subcommittee is working to save lives in Johnson County by advocating, educating and providing tools to decrease overdoses/poisonings risk and death in our community.
Treatment and Recovery Supports
This subgroup is dedicated to:
- Identifying local resources for substance use disorders and mental health disorders
- Making these resources accessible to the entire Johnson County Community
- Developing and educating our community through key initiatives like:
- The development of a substance use treatment provider directory for JoCo and the surrounding area
- The development of the Recovery Cards to communicate healthcare needs regarding opioids and other medications for individuals in recovery
Recovery is possible by bringing the community together to help support those currently in recovery or finding their way to recovery.
Coalition Meetings
All community members are welcome to attend our meetings. The bi-monthly meetings are held on odd-numbered months from 3 to 4 pm in a hybrid format, meaning you can attend in person at the Olathe Indian Creek Library or virtually via Zoom. To receive the Zoom meeting details, please email
Kansas Naloxone Program
DCCCA is providing free naloxone (Narcan) nasal spray and training to community organizations and any Kansas resident. DCCCA is funded for this project by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services through the State Opioid Response grant initiative from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Note: This program offers free Naloxone/Narcan contingent upon continued Federal, State & Local Funding and available supply.
Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations within 15 miles of Olathe:
Note that these disposal locations are for medication (pills) only. For needle disposal, local hospitals and medical centers will typically have boxes for this.
CVS Pharmacy
Walmart Pharmacy
Hy-Vee Pharmacy
Walgreen Pharmacy
Hy-Vee Pharmacy
CVS Pharmacy
Hy-Vee Pharmacy
Hy-Vee Pharmacy
CVS Pharmacy
Deterra Drug Deactivation & Disposal System
We have Deterra Drug Deactivation Pouches for disposal at home, that can be requested by contacting