Community Toolbox

These free grab-n-go curriculums are perfect for school professionals and community organizations to use with their middle or high school aged students. The lessons, developed by Johnson County Mental Health Center staff members, include a video presentation, exercises, supplemental handouts and video directions for the instructor. Simply click a "Request Grab & Go Toolkit" button and fill out the form, then all of the files will be available for you to download.
Grab-n-go Curriculums
Starting a movement sometimes begins with a person taking a risk and then having just one person follow them on that risk. Being a good leader means understanding both yourself and the others on your team, then finding ways to empower people to be the best version of themselves they can be. This toolkit includes a video presentation, exercises, supplemental handouts and video directions for the instructor.
Self-care is an important part of taking care of your mental health. This toolkit will provide an interactive lesson on what self-care is, why it is important and strategies for applying self-care to your everyday life. Lessons include a video presentation, PowerPoint slides and supplemental handouts.
Suicide Prevention
Suicide can be a very tough subject to discuss. While it is tough, it is also essential that youth know who they can reach out to if they need assistance or support with their mental health. Lessons include a video series, PowerPoint slides and supplemental handouts.
Vaping & Tobacco Cessation
Vaping rates have skyrocketed recently, especially among teens. E-cigarettes are now the most frequently used tobacco product among adolescents far surpassing traditional cigarettes. Lessons include a video series, PowerPoint slides and supplemental handouts.