Swimming Pool Permit
A Swimming Pool is any structure intended for swimming or recreational bathing that contains water over 24 inches (610 mm) deep. This includes in-ground, above ground and on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas. Any pool 24” deep or more requires a permit.
1. Search Address

Before you create an application, make sure the address for your project is in the ‘unincorporated’ Johnson County area. Enter an address or KUPN number in the location search box provided. If the address returns with ‘Unincorporated Area’ then you can proceed with the permit application process. If your search returns with a ‘City’ name, then use the contact information provide to contact your city planning department.
2. Permit Process
Before you apply
- For any regulations/restrictions or floodplain information pertaining to your property contact Johnson County Planning and Zoning at 913-715-2200.
- For Private Sewage Disposal (Septic Systems) on a property with a septic system, a septic location verification will be required. Contact Johnson County Environmental department at 913-715-6900.
Applying for a permit
Johnson County Building Codes uses MyGovernmentOnline to apply and generate building permits. With MyGovernmentOnline, anything you can do in-person at your local office you can do online. Examples include applying for permits, payments online, request for inspection, submitting files, download inspection reports, approved plans, check status of a permit, download permit data, and search for permits.
- Don’t have a MyGovernmentOnline account? You can view the instructional guide here and create one here.
- If you already have an account, then login here to start the permit process.
Required documents
- Residential Building Permit Application
- Site Plan - A site plan must be uploaded, to scale the size and location of new construction, existing structures, existing septic tank and laterals on the site, distances from lot lines, the established street grades and the proposed finished grades; and it shall be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey.
- Land Disturbance Certification
- Residential Swimming Pool APSP-15 Compliance Information Sheet
If applicable:
If any of the following applies to your project, you are required to provide the necessary paperwork to complete the permit application process.
- Septic permit - If there is an existing septic system; a location check will required by Johnson County Environmental.
- Sub-contractor forms, if applicable, Plumbing, Electrical, Swimming Pool
- Homeowner Installation form - If the homeowner will perform the work.
Additional instructions:
All plans must be uploaded at the time of application in the Customer Portal. A complete set of the swimming pool plans sealed by a design professional, for concrete and gunite pools. Copy of the cut sheet from pool manufactures to verify the design of the swimming pool against lateral loads, for premanufactured liner pools. In-ground concrete, and gunite swimming pools, shall be designed and sealed by a licensed design professional registered in state of Kansas. Information sheets from the equipment manufacturer. (Re: Heater, filters, pumps, wet-niche laminars, etc.)
Swimming pool barriers shall be in accordance with Johnson County requirements and barrier information shall be provided and clarified on the site plan. Dimensions, type of fencing, gates, contractor and installation dates shall be included in the permit submittals. Barrier requirements must be completed to pass a final inspection and the pool shall not be filled with water until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
Required inspections (if applicable)
An inspection will not be done without approved plans on the job site.
- Pool Bonding (shell, deck, wet niche)
- Exterior Gas
- Final Inspection, includes fencing with self-closing gate or an automatic pool cove