County Codes
Home Rule Charter
The Home Rule Charter is a legislative document that defines the structure, powers, purpose and functions of county government. The Johnson County Home Rule Charter is the first of its kind in the State of Kansas, and was enacted by a public vote during the November 2000 general election. For more information on the Home Rule Charter, contact the Clerk of the Board at 913-715-0426.
County Code
The County Code contains only general laws and regulatory enactments currently in force and effect. For more information on the county code, contact the Clerk of the Board at 913-715-0426.
Rules of Order
The Rules of Order guide the efforts of the Board of County Commissioners, acting collectively, to conduct the business of Johnson County Government. For more information on the Board's Rules of Order, contact the Clerk of the Board at 913-715-0426.
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics is intended to establish standards of conduct expected of those who act for or on behalf of the public in the performance of all governmental duties and responsibilities. For more information about the Code of Ethics, contact Chief Counsel at 913-715-1900.
- Exhibit A: Statement of Substantial Interest and Instructions
- Exhibit B: Boards, Commissions, and Committees Application Form
Rural Comprehensive Plan
The Rural Comprehensive Plan is an "active" document focusing on the unincorporated portions of the county that outlines recommendations as to how cities and the county are to cooperate and coordinate growth and resources. For more information on the Rural Comprehensive Plan, contact the Planning & Development Department at 913-715-2222.
Sanitary Sewer Use Code
The Sanitary Sewer Use Code is a document with the purpose of protecting the public health and setting regulations and standards for the use of public sewers. For more information on the Sanitary Sewer Use Code, contact Johnson County Wastewater at 913-715-8500.
Solid Waste Regulations
Solid Waste Regulations protect the public health, safety and welfare of the resides by establishing and maintaining a program for comprehensive solid waste management. For more information on Solid Waste Regulations, contact the Environmental Department at 913-715-6900.
Public Works Permits and Regulations
Development or redevelopment projects, work within the public right-of-way, grading and activities that impact watercourses in the unincorporated area of Johnson County are among the many activities that require compliance with various county regulations and acquisition of permits. For more information on Public Works Permits and Regulations, please visit the website or contact the Public Works Department at 913-715-8300.
Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
Zoning and Subdivision Regulations were intended to implement the land use and development policies in the comprehensive plan adopted by the County that considers and evaluates past land use and development patterns and trends; identifies and considers both deficiencies and opportunities exhibited by past development patterns and expected future development patterns, and establishes goals and objectives for guiding future development within the county. For more information on Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, contact the Planning and Development Department at 913-715-2222.