Unincorporated Area

On March 17, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners adopted new zoning and subdivision regulations for the Unincorporated Area (that area not located in a city). These regulations govern the subdivision of land and the types of land uses that are permitted in different zoning districts.
When dividing land in the Unincorporated Area for any purpose, both the buyers and sellers should check with the County Planning Office to determine if the resulting parcels will meet minimum standards.
It is also important that all parties know in advance whether the parcel they are buying (or selling) conforms to the zoning regulations. This is necessary because a sub-standard parcel may severely restrict the ability of the property owner to obtain building permits, development plans, and other land-use authorizations.
Check City Regulation
Whereas this notice pertains to the unincorporated area of Johnson County, outside city limits, it is essential that all buyers and sellers of property throughout Johnson County be aware that cities have similar zoning requirements for properties within their boundaries.
Check Building Codes
Johnson County and all cities in the County have enacted building codes. Persons wishing to construct any buildings or structures are advised to contact local officials.
Are you in Unincorporated Johnson County?
Before you apply for a building or planning permit, make sure the address for your project is in the ‘unincorporated’ Johnson County area.