2023 Community Survey
Johnson County continues to exceed national averages for quality of life in 2023, based on the results of its community survey. This includes high satisfaction with county services, feelings of safety and many other categories affecting residents.
The survey was administered in January and February 2023 to random households via mail. A total of 1,380 households completed the survey, resulting in a 95% confidence level in the survey findings.
The racial makeup of respondents closely aligned with the 2020 Census results: 85% identified as white, 8% Hispanic/Latino, 5% Asian or Asian Indian and 5% Black or African American. In addition, 45% of respondents were 45 years old or older, 85% lived in a single-family house, and 42% had lived in Johnson County for 31+ years.
Explore key highlights of the 2023 community survey results below.
Quality of Life

A vast majority of residents were satisfied with Johnson County as a place to live, raise children and work, sitting at least 30% above the national average for all three categories. Respondents found the county to be a great place to…
- Live (95%)
- Raise children (94%)
- Work (90%)
- Play (83%)
- Retire (65%)
Most residents also had a positive perception of the county, with 89% satisfied with the county’s overall image. In addition, 85% were satisfied with the quality of housing for their family.

Safety takes priority in Johnson County, and that’s the primary reason residents said they live in the county: because they felt safe and because of the low crime rate.
Ninety-seven percent of respondents felt safe in their neighborhood during the day and 89% felt safe in their neighborhood at night. Overall, 90% said they feel safe.
Much of this is thanks to the work of the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, Johnson County MED-ACT and local police and fire departments, as 80% of residents were satisfied with the quality of public safety services.
Service Quality

Residents were mostly happy with services provided by Johnson County Government, with 78% satisfied with the overall quality of these services. The overall satisfaction with county services ranking was 27% above the national average.
When it comes to the services residents most rely on, Johnson County is excelling. These five services were ranked as the most important for the county to provide, and they also topped the list of highest-rated services in terms of quality:
- Johnson County Park and Recreation District (87%)
- Johnson County Library (87%)
- Johnson County Emergency Medical/Ambulance Service (81%)
- Johnson County Emergency Preparedness/NotifyJoCo (81%)
- Johnson County Election Office (77%)
Service Delivery

Residents continued to be satisfied with the delivery of county services. The Johnson County Election Office again received praise, as 93% of respondents found polling places to be conveniently located/accessible, and 87% thought the county had enough advanced voting locations.
Most residents were also happy with governmental operations. Sixty-three percent of residents said Johnson County Government is well run, and 61% said the county is prepared for an emergency – a testament to the work of Johnson County Emergency Management.

Residents had a lot to say about the issues important to them, and they got to share their priorities for the coming years. They found these quality of life issues to be of highest importance over the next 20 years:
- Well-maintained roads (96%)
- Safety and low crime (96%)
- Parks, trails and open space (94%)
In the near future, too, respondents emphasized safety and low crime and well-maintained roads, making them the county’s top priorities over the next five years. Beyond these, they also saw public education and health care access as priorities.