Construction News
Through a five-year Capital Improvement Plan updated annually, along with numerous grants from federal and state agencies, the Johnson County Airport Commission is able to continue improvements on our airports, business park, water infrastructure and short line railroad. Projects are continually making progress and the most impactful projects are listed below.
T-Hangar Rebuild Project at Johnson County Executive Airport
We will provide updates on this page on the 2024 Kilo & Lima T-Hangar Rebuild Project. Please check back for any new information.
- Dec 6, 2024: Construction is wrapping with final punch list items being completed. Hangars are anticipated to be re-opened to tenants as of Jan. 1, 2025.
- Oct. 30, 2024: Final stages of construction have begun with interior electrical work, firewall installations, and final exterior sheeting/door installations being done on the buildings. Remaining tasks include exterior electrical work, water/fireline construction and inspections, grading and topsoil work, pavement markings, and signage. Anticipated completion date is still expected in mid- to late December.
- Sept. 30, 2024: Steel columns and building erection, doors setting, and electrical rough-in are complete for Lima building, with additional interior installations and slab hardening application planned for the coming weeks. Kilo building is currently in the process of steel columns and building erection, with door setting and electrical rough-in soon to follow. Current timeline still indicates a December 2024 completion.
- Aug. 29, 2024: Interior floor slabs have been poured and steel erection has begun on Lima building. Weather, material availability, and permitting delays have adjusted the timeline to a December 2024 completion, but the general contractor will continue to attempt to make up for the delays where possible. Next steps are continuation of vertical erection with interior electrical work and door installations following after.
- July 31, 2024: Interior column footings and underground electrical conduit complete for Lima, while Kilo experienced issues with subgrade requiring revised designs. Additional weather, material availability, and permitting delays have adjusted the timeline for completion to mid to late 4th quarter of 2024, but the general contractor will continue to attempt to make up for the delays where possible. Next steps will include pouring and curing interior slabs, forming up and installing dowels, and building erections.
- June 27, 2024: Subgrade work has begun for both buildings, in addition to lime stabilization. Next steps will include work on the footings, underground conduit, and interior slab work.
- May 31, 2024: Demolition of both buildings is complete as of May 8. Removal of the slabs is underway. Building permits have been obtained. Contractor anticipates delivery of materials for Building L in the first week of June with Building K materials following approximately two weeks later.
- April 30, 2024: Interior demolition work has wrapped and heavy equipment has come in to start tear down on the exterior structures. After exterior demo is complete, next steps would be to start repairs on foundations where the new buildings will stand.
- March 26, 2024: Terminations of leases are complete, and hangars are fully vacated to be handed over to the contractor for early demolition. Early stages will include interior work to disconnect electrical connections, remove hazards, and prep buildings for next stages of demo.
Current Projects
- KDOT Rail Grant Maintenance Project was originally started in 2020 with awards received in each subsequent year. This year's work includes replacing several pieces of legacy 90 pound rails and turnouts.
- The electrical vault is currently scheduled to be replaced at New Century AirCenter. The new design will bring the unit into an enclosed space for safety and security of the system.
- Design work has currently begun for a new and relocated Air Traffic Control Tower at New Century AirCenter.
- The primary runway 18-36 at New Century AirCenter is currently in the design phase for a complete reconstruction in coming years.
- Taxiway K at New Century AirCenter is undergoing a complete reconstruction, along with a seal coat for adjoining Taxiway L.
Past Projects
- Backup generators for the water distribution system's main pumphouse were installed in late 2024.
- Seal coat of runway 4-22 at New Century AirCenter (IXD) was completed in 2024.
- The electrical vault at Johnson County Executive Airport (OJC) was completely rebuilt and enclosed in 2024.
- Taxiway F at Johnson County Executive Airport (OJC) was resurfaced to provide improvements to the taxiway that feeds the east side T-Hangar buildings.
- Taxiway Alpha construction at Johnson County Executive Airport (OJC) began on April 26, 2021 and was completed in early October.
- Taxiway Bravo construction at Johnson County Executive Airport (OJC) began in the spring of 2022 and was officially re-opened in July 2023. This project included re-aligning connecting taxiways.
- Safety gates at various open access points at both IXD and OJC were installed and are fully operational. These gates provide added assistance in preventing runway incursions.
- A slurry seal of the west transient ramp was completed in 2021 at New Century AirCenter (IXD).
- The Navy Park Stormwater project was recently completed at New Century Commerce Center to include removal of the berm, adding a fountain for aeration, and replacement of the stormwater drains.
Future Projects
- T-Hangars M & N at Johnson County Executive Airport (OJC) are planned for replacement in 2025.
- Runway 18/36 and Runway 4/22 at New Century AirCenter (IXD) are planned to have major rehabilitation projects completed in the near future.
- The electrical vault at New Century AirCenter was approved through a KDOT grant for design and construction work in the coming years.
- Construction of a new and relocated Air Traffic Control Tower at New Century AirCenter will be started in the coming years.
- Airport fencing is soon to be installed and/or upgraded at both airports with funding from recent grants.