Plat Services

119th Street Tech Park 3rd Addition
AIMS offers users several options when searching recorded plats in Johnson County. Public access is available with limited free downloads, while a subscription-based access is offered to users with a higher volume need.
Utilizing the myAIMS Subscription Service enables users to access the functionality of the Map Search where they can interact with the map to find the desired plat image.
Users can search the AIMS data base for plats by plat name, book/page, AIMS map number, year platted, date recorded, city and plat id. Users are provided with options to view a thumbnail of the scanned image, view the location of the plat in the AIMS Online Mapping System and download one free scanned plat image (in TIF format) per user (based on IP address) every 7 days. Additional scanned images can be downloaded for $5 each.
Database Search
For high-volume users, AIMS offers an annual subscription service for searching plats. Users gain access to the same functionality of the public access service, along with unlimited image downloads and access to the Map Search application detailed below. The annual subscription is available for $180 per user.
Map Search
Available to Plat Search Subscribers, this application allows an interactive, map-centric search of the plat database. Users can search the map by address, parcel id, plat name, plat subcode, and Township-Range-Section. The scanned plat images are geo-referenced and can be viewed with the current property lines and plat outlines overlaid. The option to download the TIF image is provided, along with standard mapping tools such as pan, zoom in/out, measure, and property searches.