Aging Lunch-n-Learn Series

Attendees at a Lunch-n-Learn event view presentations

Older Americans Month was celebrated during the month of May 2023. It is a time to honor our older Americans for their hard work within the community and devotion to family.

The first proclamation was issued by President John F. Kennedy in 1963; this year marked the 60th anniversary. The 2023 theme was Aging Unbound, a way to not be bound by standard thinking of what older adults can do.

For the first time, the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging presented a lunch & learn series each week in May. Older adults were asked to present their skills and passions. The series presented four categories: Creative Writing, Nature & Outdoors, Culinary Arts, and Arts & Crafts. Lunch was provided during the presentations. Due to the success of the series, AAA is exploring ways to host more lunch and learn opportunities.

Follow our AHS Facebook page and to learn more about future events.

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