HOME Housing Development Loan Program

Crane over building under construction.

The Housing Development Loan program provides "gap" financing for the development of new affordable housing units in Johnson County. The HOME Investment Partnerships Program grant funds the HDL program. All proposed projects are subject to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program grant regulations.

The goal of the Housing Development Loan program is to expand and diversify available affordable housing in Johnson County. Development projects may include new construction or rehabilitation of rental or homeownership units. Applicants can be for-profit or non-profit organizations ("developers") with the capacity to comply with HOME grant regulations.

Application Materials

The application period is December 5 - January 10, 2025 at 5 p.m

If you have questions or would like to request one-on-one application technical assistance, contact Heather McNeive, Director of Housing Services, at 913-715-6601 or heather.mcneive@jocogov.org.

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