How to Make Payments
District Court Trustee only enforces support ordered to be paid through the Kansas Payment Center and most orders authorize income withholding. Partial payments or missed paychecks can require you to make payments to the Kansas Payment Center.
Payments made that do not follow the court order often require a Satisfaction of Judgment or Court Order for credit, which may require a Motion and $62 filing fee paid to the clerk. Please contact our office if you have questions about payments, including past due balance, if any.
The Kansas Payment Center is a State Disbursement Unit (SDU) as required by federal law to process support payments.
For information about options to pay, including how to make a payment with cash, start at or call 877-572-5722.
Money orders and checks mailed and made payable to:
Kansas Payment Center
PO Box 758599
Topeka, KS 66675-8599
Payments must include the payer’s name and complete court order including the county identifier to ensure posting to the correct court order (example JO19C006789).