5th District Commissioner
Michael Ashcraft

Commissioner Michael Ashcraft
Contact Commissioner Ashcraft
Commissioner's Message
I am humbled to continue the opportunity to serve as your county commissioner and to help make Johnson County an even better community. I believe the decisions made at the local government level are vitally important and directly affect the lives of all our residents and visitors. I am honored to serve the residents of the 5th District, which is situated in the heart of Johnson County. I look forward to hearing from you on how we can continue to make Johnson County a better community.
Commissioner's Areas of Focus
- Evidence (Performance) based decision making
- Value based program management
5th District and County Projects
- Tomahawk Wastewater Treatment facility
- Watershed Management efforts
- Lenexa City Center Library
- Johnson County Courthouse
- Medical Examiner Facility
- Major county projects
Term Information
- Fourth term expires 2027
- Fourth term, 2023 to present
- Third term, 2019 to 2023
- Second term, 2015 to 2019
- First term, 2011 to 2015
Board/Committee Assignments as County Commissioner
- Community Corrections Advisory Board
- Developmental Supports Governing Board
- Investment Review Group (2-Year Liaison)
- MARC - 911 Committee
- Metropolitan Culture Commission (Bi-State)
About the Commissioner
Commissioner Ashcraft worked as a consultant for public and private sector companies for more than 30 years. He has a background in organizational development, performance auditing, facilitation and management consulting.
In his diverse career, he deployed a wide variety of techniques and tools to enable communities and individuals to meet the challenges they face while building relationships and improving performance. His work focused on helping groups of individuals and teams achieve their community objectives.
Ashcraft earned a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of Alabama and studied public administration at the University of Kansas (2009-2010).