JCAAA provides 644 dental kits to nutrition program participants
Good health starts with proper nutrition which the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging (JCAAA) attempts to address with its home-delivered and congregate meal programs.
Oral health is tied to overall health, and the relationship between dental infections, heart disease and diabetes is strong. Dental care can seem so routine for the majority of the population; however, for many homebound and low-income Kansans it can be more difficult to access and can affect their overall health.
On May 17, as part of Older American’s month, the Area Agency on Aging distributed 644 dental kits to its nutrition participants with the hope the kits will promote the importance of dental care.
This annual project was started five years ago by the Johnson County Commission on Aging advisory board through the vision and initial leadership of Chuck Nigro and his coordination with Delta Dental and Oral Health Kansas. Appropriate dental care, along with the proper nutrition provided by the JCAAA, will assist older adults to live healthier and more independent lives.