Understanding Your Bill


Water Used in Winter Impacts Your Bill Next Year

JCW utilizes the volume of metered water coming into your home during the prior winter months to create the Average Winter Water Usage (AWWU) seen on your bill.

It is an industry-standard for wastewater billing to utilize your household water meter reads during the winter months to create an average for billing year-round. Many households use water outdoors in the spring, summer, and fall that does not enter the sanitary sewer system. Typically, households use less water in the winter months and most of the water exits into the sanitary sewer system for treatment. 


JCW uses the water meter reads of your household during the prior winter. For example, the water used in January of this year will be calculated into your AWWU for your bills next year. If there has been a significant change in how your household uses water, it may take a year for that change to reflect in your AWWU.

If you are new to the JCW service area, we will not have your winter water usage history to establish your AWWU. A County default by type of meter is assigned as the initial AWWU. As a new resident, you are encouraged to contact customer service after you have received a couple of bills to evaluate your AWWU. If you are using less water than the county default that was assigned to your account, a customer service specialist can adjust your AWWU.


First Bill of the Year

The first bill of the year will contain the new AWWU based on your household water meter reads from the prior year. JCW has moderate rate increases from year to year. If you see a large increase from one year to the next, that increase directly correlates with the volume of water used in the prior winter. 


Annual Pay Amount

Starting in 2025, the annual pay option for Johnson County Wastewater customers will no longer be offered on the first wastewater invoice of the year.

When you receive your wastewater bill, if you choose to pay in advance, you are still welcome to do so. After making your payment, you will see the credit applied to your subsequent bills.

If you do not wish to receive a paper bill, please sign up for paperless billing in Johnson County Wastewater's new online payment portal.


Rate Proration

The first bill of the year is prorated. The first bill of the year includes some service dates from the prior year and some from the new year. You’ll see last year’s rates and this year’s rates on the first bill of the year creating two usage charge lines. By the second bill of the year, the service dates will all be in the current year and will display only the current rates

The first bill of the year is a different amount than the remaining five bills of the year due to billing service dates from the prior year on the prior year’s rates and billing service dates in the current year on the current year’s rates.

Appeal Your Bill

AWWU Appeal

A big change in your wastewater bill is due to a change in your AWWU. JCW utilizes the first few water meter reads of the prior year. Was there an event that increased your usage? Examples include toilet leaks, pipe bursts, irrigation in late fall or early spring, change in household size or water usage habits.  

Upon request, JCW can recalculate your AWWU using all of the prior year’s water meter reads. This might be beneficial if your household used more water in the winter than in the nonwinter months. 

User Classification Appeal

User charges are determined in part by land use classification and types of water meters. Contact customer service with supporting documentation for an appeal in how JCW has classified your account.

JCW cannot adjust the rate charged per gallon. 

Methods to Appeal

Contact customer service to discuss an appeal 913-715-8500 or utilize Contact Us.

If you are not satisfied with the result of the appeal with customer service, please submit an online appeal form. Supporting documentation, like repair receipts, may be necessary. Submit supporting documentation to JCW-Solutions@jocogov.org or via fax to 913-715-8501.