Friends of JCMHC

The Friends of Johnson County Mental Health Center organization supports the mission and vision of Johnson County Mental Health Center by offering resources and initiatives to address unmet needs in our community. The work of Friends of JCMHC touches all aspects of the behavioral health continuum of care including promotion, prevention, treatment and recovery.
Gifts received fund a variety of efforts including , but not limited to:
- Community education: suicide prevention, substance use prevention and mental health promotion.
- Client support: educational opportunities, activity fees and medical/housing expenses for adults, kids and families.
- Staff development: supporting education and implementation of research based interventions and best practices.
Support our work with a donation today. It goes right to work helping our community.
Visit us online at If you would like to make an offline contribution to the Friends of Johnson County Mental Health Center fund, donations may be sent to:
Friends of Johnson County Mental Health Center
600 Lamar Ave., Suite 130
Mission, KS 66202