JoCoBo By-Laws

By-Laws of the Johnson County Building Officials Association
Article 1 - Objectives
Objective 1. – The Johnson County Building Officials Association, hereinafter know as the “Association”, through active participation and cooperation, aims to create a system whereby the individual jurisdictions within Johnson County, Kansas can adopt construction coeds and procedures that promote uniformity.
Objective 2. – Through the format of meetings, resolutions, ordinances and inter-local agreements, the Association will assume a role of leadership progressing toward an enhanced level of construction uniformity, professional certifications, licensing and education, to better protect the citizens and structures within Johnson County, Kansas.
Objective 3. – Through adherence to our adopted MISSION/VISION STATEMENT, the Association shall promote integrity, honesty, and uniformity in application of the stated objectives of this Article.
Article II - Board of Directors
Section 1 – General Powers: The business and affairs of the Association shall be governed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – Meeting of the Board: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held not less than twice each year, on a date agreed upon by a majority of the Board.
Section 3 – Special Meetings: The Officers, or any three members of the Board of Directors, may call for a special meeting of the Board.
Section 4 – Notice of Meetings: Written notice stating the location, date and time of any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be distributed to each member of the Board not less then 10 days before such meeting, unless exigent circumstances require shorter notice. The notice shall contain the agenda or purpose for special meetings.
Section 5 – Quorum: The quorum for the business for the Board of Directors shall be by a majority of said board. If less than such quorum is present at a regular meeting, the majority of the Board present may either adjourn the meeting or act on business and obtain written ratification of its acts by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board within 30 days of said action.
Section 6 – Voting: All actions of the Board of Directors must be decided by a majority vote of the quorum present. A tie vote defeats the proposal.
Section 7 – Board of Directors Membership Eligibility: The Board of Directors shall consist of the current President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 8 – Presumption of Assent: A member of the Board of Directors who is present at a meeting of the Board, at which action on any matter is taken, shall be presumed to have assented to said action, unless his/her dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting. A dissension may be delivered in writing to such action to the Secretary of the meeting before said meeting minutes have been approved.
Section 9 – Terms of Office: The Board of Directors shall consist of 5 (five) members. The Board of Directors membership shall be appointed for a term of office for 4 (four) years. Except for the members first appointed, of which two shall serve 3 (three) years, one shall serve 2 (two) years, and one shall serve 1 year. Vacancies occurring before the expiration of a term shall be filled in the manner of the original appointment for the remained of the unexpired term. The Board of Directors shall serve without compensation. Board service shall convene annually at the beginning of said calendar year.
Section 10 – Nominations: The board of Directors shall be elected from qualified applicants whose names are brought forward by Active Voting Members.
Article III - Membership
Section 1 – Membership: All membership must be consistent with the purpose of this Association. Membership shall consist of the following five classifications:
Active full-voting member – Each governmental jurisdiction within Johnson County, Kansas shall be eligible for one full voting membership per jurisdiction. Any individual actively employed as a Building Official, Codes Administrator, or Code Official, representing a governmental unit, or a designated representative of said jurisdiction, whose duty is to enforce and administrate the laws, ordinances, statues, regulations or provisions relating to building construction and model construction codes, shall be eligible as a full voting member. Full-voting members may indicate an alternate member for said jurisdiction to act in their absence. Alternate members of jurisdictions shall be associate members.
Professional member – Any individual engaged in the practice of construction, architecture, engineering, private inspections, research or related activities. Any individual firm, or corporation interested in supporting the goals and objectives of the Association.
Associate member – Individuals that serve a governmental jurisdiction within Johnson County, Kansas employed as a Building Official, Codes Administrator, or Code Official, representing a governmental unit, or a designated representative of said jurisdiction, whose duty is to enforce and administrate the laws, ordinances, statues, regulations or provisions relating to building construction and model construction codes that is not the active full-voting member.
Retired member – Any individual within the above three categories who is presently retired.
Student member – Any individual attending accredited institutions of higher learning, above the twelfth grade, on a full or part-time basis.
Section 2 – Transfer: Membership in this Association is not transferable or assignable.
Section 3 – Termination: Membership shall automatically terminate if dues or fees are arrears more than 60 days beyond due date.
Section 4 – Membership Dues: Annual memberships dues shall be due and payable to the Association at the beginning of each calendar year and shall be non-refundable. The dues amounts for membership shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.
Section 5 – Honorary Members: The five founding members of the Association shall be lifetime honorary retired members of the Association. The five founding members are Tim Ryan, Joe McCoy, Jerry Mallory, Ron Worley, and Steve Thompson. The Board of Directors may appoint additional honorary members to the Association.
Article IV - Officers
Section 1 – Election and Terms: Officers for the next calendar year shall be elected at the first last regularly scheduled meeting of the Association, each calendar year. Each officer position shall be for a term of one calendar year. Upon completion of the one year term, the President shall become Immediate Past President, Vice-President shall become President, Secretary shall become Vice-President and Secretary is selected by majority vote of the Association for the following term. In the event of a vacancy, an individual selected by majority vote of the Association shall fill the officer position for remaining terms.
Section 2 – Termination: Any officer or member may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interest of the Association will be served thereby. The Board of Directors by affirmative vote of 2/3 (two-thirds) majority, may suspend or expel any member for cause after an appropriate hearing.
Section 3 – Eligibility: Officers shall be full-voting members or associate members of the Association. Each jurisdiction can only have one active officer per term. Officers who lose eligibility as an active member or discontinue active membership may not continue to serve as an officer of the Association and shall be supplanted by a qualifying member of the Association at the next regularly scheduled Association meeting.
Section 4 – Qualifications: Only active full-voting members and associate members may serve as officers for the Association.
Section 5 – Powers and Duties of Officers: Officers must be members of the Board of Directors, and shall govern the business and affairs of the Association. Officers shall have powers and duties such as are indicated by the title of their offices, but at a minimum, they shall have the following powers and duties:
The president shall call and preside at all meetings of the full membership. The President may appoint members to all standing and ad hoc committees. The President shall oversee, administrate and develop the Associations objectives to benefit and guide the group towards its stated goals. The President shall represent the Association in all matters pertaining to leadership and representation. In the event of the President’s vacancy, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of the President for the balance of the unexpired term.
Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President shall serve to promote participation in the Association activities. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a full-voting member and shall perform duties the other officers may request, to the best advantage of the Association.
The Vice-President shall support all stated Association objectives and goals, and assist the President in managing the Association’s programs. The Vice-President shall support and uphold the position of the President in the fulfillment of his/her duties when the President is unable to perform said duties. The Vice-President shall also be responsible for committee organization. In the event of the Vice-President’s vacancy, the Secretary shall succeed to the office of the Vice-President for the balance of the unexpired term.
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and maintaining of all membership correspondence, minutes, rosters and any pertinent data therein. The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and reporting of any Association business related to administrative functions. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Association and shall further carry out other duties delegated by the President and Vice-President. In the event of the Secretary’s vacancy, the Treasurer shall succeed to the office of the Secretary for the balance or the expired term.
The office of the Secretary and Treasure may be combined and fulfilled by one individual. When one individual serves in the dual function of Secretary/Treasurer, the fifth member of the board of Directors shall be duly nominated and elected from the eligible membership of the Association.
The Treasurer shall account for all financial matters of the association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection , investment and disbursement of all funds, physical possessions, or properties of the Association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for record keeping related to the above assets, including dates of acquisition and disposition. The Treasurer shall render financial statements as the Association may require and shall deposit all funds of the Association to the credit of the Association, in such bank as the Treasurer shall select and the officers approve. The Treasurer shall have the authority to execute any and all checks, and other negotiable instruments authorized by the Association. In the event of the Treasurer’s vacancy, an individual selected by majority vote of the Association shall fill the balance of the unexpired term.
Article V - Committees
Section 1 – Committee Nature: Association committees may be designated as either standing or ad-hoc in nature.
Section 2 – Standing Committee: May be of an appointed, voluntary or elective nature. Standing Committee shall consist of members appointed through the Nominating Committee. Committees shall be designed by the elected officials.
Section 3 – Ad Hoc Committees: Ad Hoc Committees shall be of an appointed, voluntary or elected nature. Ad Hoc Committee members may be nominated by any member. Ad Hoc Committee shall serve at the direction of the President and Vice-President and shall be dissolved upon completion of the Committee’s appointed task.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1 – Meeting Schedule: Association Meetings shall be held as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, the President, or the majority vote of the active full-voting membership of the Association.
Section 2 – Special Meetings: Any three officers, or a majority vote of the active full-voting membership present, may call for a special meeting of the Association.
Section 3 – Voting Quorum: Five currently registered active full-voting members or associate members of the Association will be necessary to constitute a voting quorum. Each jurisdiction only counts as one vote.
Section 4 – Notification: Members shall be notified of meetings not less than 10 days prior, as to the time, place and agenda of the meeting.
Section 5 – Rules: All meetings and committees shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. A copy of the most recently published edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be kept on file at all times by the Board Associations’ Secretary for review.
Article VII - Miscellaneous
Section 1 – Participation: The Association may join, participate or cooperate with any other national, state, regional, local organization or institution which will benefit the Association, and which adheres to the Association’s principals, goals, and objectives.
Section 2 – Amendments: These by-laws may be amended by the Association members having full-voting privileges who are present at any Association Meeting. Amendments shall require a vote in favor of the amendments by at least 2/3 (two-thirds) majority by the number of full voting members present. By-law amendments must first be presented in upcoming agenda with the minimum 10-day notification to the full membership prior to a vote on the amendment. The Secretary shall provide the written text of the amendment and record any actions appropriate into the by-laws.
Section 3 – Contracts and Finance: The Board of Directors may authorize any of its elected officers to enter into a contract, or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of, and on behalf of, the Association. Such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances. The Board of Directors shall be signatories to such agreements as are authorized.
Section 4 – Indemnification: Volunteer members of the Association and its delegated Committees and Officers, shall have the same indemnification with respect to their liability for damages, costs and expenses for acts or omissions within the scope of their authorized functions of the Association.
Section 5 – Severability: If any portion, provision, rule, article, or subsection of the Associations by-laws if found to be unconstitutional, or in conflict with any law, statue, regulation, ordinance, the section in question shall be made severable from the body of this document and shall not affect the balance of the by-laws in any detrimental manner.
Article VIII - Certificate
I, the undersigned, certify that I am the Secretary of the Johnson County Building Officials Association: That the foregoing by-laws have been duly adopted as the Associations by-laws for the operation of the Association, effective November 20th, 2020 and were adopted by the Association on this same date; that the foregoing by-laws constitute the by-laws of the association and that such by-laws are in full force and effect.
I witness whereof, I have set my hand to this certificate this 20th day of November 2020.
by: Matt Souders, Secretary