September-October 2023

You can now navigate through the articles in our digital version of The Best Times. View the links below to get started reading the September-October 2023 edition.
You can also download PDF of the print edition or view it below on this page.
In this issue:
- Cover Story: CPR, a lifesaving skill for all ages to know
- When in doubt: Walk, don’t run
- Fun Fest set Oct. 14 at TIP
- Deadline nears for pickleball tournament
- Preventing falls: ‘From Awareness to Action’
- Stay Active with 50 Plus
- Aging Mastery Program is back!
- Free nutrition counseling offered for Kansans 60+
- Day of Older Persons set Oct. 1
- Upcoming COA meeting
- Transit opens new route
- County bonds retain top ratings
- Special events with 50 Plus coming in fall
- Cars show set Oct. 21
- Test indicates risk of prediabetes
- Are you ready to vote on Nov. 7?
- So just what is K-State Extension?
- 50 Plus plans fall trips, outings
- Registration gets under way for CPR classes
- RSV vaccine available in the fall
- Luci: Calling attention to craniofacial differences
- Train-related programs on track at museum
- Medication safety ahead of Drug Take Back Day
- Program cuts risk of sewer backups
- Festive event set for Hispanic Heritage Month
- Agreement bridges two library systems
- Event crowns ‘King of Butterflies’
- Live Well Age Well set Sept. 7
- Program makes home repairs
- SHICK helps in Medicare enrollment