November-December 2020

You can now navigate through the articles in our digital version of The Best Times. Just click on the first article below to get started reading the November-December 2020 edition.
You can also download a PDF of the print edition: The Best Times November-December 2020.
In this issue:
- A flu vaccine is vital against COVID-19
- A sweet deal: Roasting vegetables
- Being thankful on Thanksgiving
- COA elects new officers for a year
- Celebrating safely this holiday season
- County bonds save millions through low-interest rates
- Eugene Lipscomb receives leadership award
- Event features storytelling
- Event marks solstice of winter
- Events find new ways to celebrate
- Extension offers free programs
- Home-Delivered Meals Program needs volunteers
- Johnson County Veterans Day observance goes online
- Liberators found camps by smell
- Library virtually books timely programs
- Marrying an old rhyme with mental health
- New courthouse to open in January
- Physically distancing with social connection
- Preparing landscape for spring
- Social Security sets COLA at 1.3%
- Survey focuses on EYO directory
- The Best Times receives Best of Show honors
- Time takes toll since WWII
- Virtual programs offer fun
- Volunteers offer assistance in Medicare open enrollment
- Whooo's there? Owl Prowl set in November