COA approves 2024 Legislative Platform

The Johnson County Commission on Aging has unanimously approved its 2024 Legislative Platform for advocacy during the Kansas Legislature convening on Jan. 8. The platform outlines the COA’s position on legislative issues and is a guide for its ongoing support for the following:
1. Financial Security. The commission supports the following policies to provide financial security to seniors within Johnson County:
a. Continued expansion of the eligibility of the current Homestead Act and SAFESR programs – Kansas Property Tax Relief for Low Income Seniors.
b. Exemption of all Social Security income from state income tax.
c. The immediate elimination of state sales tax on food.
d. The immediate elimination of state sales tax on pharmaceuticals, grooming and hygiene products.
e. A cost-of-living adjustment for KPERS beneficiaries.
2. Expand Medicaid in Kansas.
a. Supports expanding Medicaid to reduce county expenses and out-of-pocket expenses for residents by eliminating the health insurance coverage gap.
3. Medicare Counseling.
a. Supports state funding of the Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas for seniors ages 65 and over.
4. Funding of the Senior Care Act for Area Agencies on Aging.
a. Supports maintaining or increasing funding available for frail and elderly populations ages 60 and older in Johnson County.
b. Supports program and legislative changes that would allow Area Agencies on Aging to expend their appropriated funds more efficiently and effectively.
5. Home and Community Based Services waiver programs currently with KanCare.
a. Supports a strategy to fund the statewide HCBS waiver program and its waiting list.
b. Supports evaluating and determining ways to improve the program for individuals who qualify for waivers due to the following conditions: physical disability, frail/elderly, brain injury and intellectual and developmental disabilities waivers.