Highlights of Aging Services
1965: Older Americans Act created the federal Administration on Aging
1969: OAA amendments provided grants for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Foster Grandparents.
1972: National Nutrition Program authorized and more senior centers created nationwide.
1973: OAA updated to establish Area Agencies on Aging states across the United States
1975: Creation of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
1981: OAA reauthorization emphasized supportive services to help seniors remain independent in the community.
1984: Client Assessment Referral and Evaluation required for Kansas nursing home pre-admission screening
1989: Kansas Senior Care Act legislates funding for additional in-home services on a sliding scale fee basis.
1997: AAAs develop Single Point of Entry model and Targeted Case Management system as the AAA begins expanded role in Kansas Medicaid.
2000: National Family Caregiver Support Program is created.
2012: Aging and Disability Resource Centers broaden and formalize Kansas AAAs role with KanCare/Medicaid to provide information, assessments and options counseling for long-term care services. The national Administration for Community Living is created to
unite the Administration on Aging, Office on Disability and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
2020: Administrative Case Management provides additional layer of assistance for functionally eligible KanCare applicants to get assistance with financial application for the Medicaid Home and Community Based services program.