
The purpose of an internship is to provide opportunities to students and community members who are interested in pursuing a career in wastewater or the water sector. As an intern, you will benefit from job shadowing and hands-on experience that will enhance your resumes, teach you valuable skills, and help you determine if a career in wastewater meets your skillset and goals. 

We offer student and non-student internships.

Note: Internships and job shadows do not constitute a job interview nor any other part of the hiring process for Johnson County Government. Participants are not guaranteed employment but are welcomed to include the internship and job shadow experience on future job applications with Johnson County Government, if desired.

All interns will be given a copy of the Internship and Job Shadow Program Guide prior to the start of their internship.

Student and Non-Student Internships


Are you considering a career in wastewater? If so, you may enjoy an internship with Johnson County Wastewater!

Student internships with JCW help high school and college students get hands-on experience working in the public sector, specifically at a wastewater utility. There is a wide variety of skillsets needed to run a utility, so students can build an internship experience that is diverse and helps them determine if working in this field is right for them.

The purpose of the internship is primarily to benefit the student and guide them in their career goals. Students can intern independently or through a program or requirement of their educational establishment.

Non-student internships with JCW are to support recent graduates or community members who are interested in working in a new profession. There is no age or education requirement for non-student internships.

Who should apply?

All student interns must be at least 16 years old and currently enrolled full or part-time in an accredited high school, college or university, and there is no residency requirement for student interns.

Any person under the age of 18 years old must have permission from a parent or guardian. All applicants must agree to comply with all program procedures; local, state and federal laws; policies and procedures; and county policies.

Non-student interns must reside in the Kansas City metro area and must be at least 18 years old.


Interns will receive training from their program supervisor, or another designated staff member. Training will include all necessary safety and job training for the intern to be safe and have a successful internship experience.


Internships are unpaid unless otherwise specified on a case-by-case basis determined by program funding at the time of the internship and the recruitment needs of the work area. Reimbursement of ancillary expenses, such as mileage, is not provided. Interns are responsible for their own personal expenses. Additionally, there is no cost or fee to participate in the program.


Student internships are a commitment of at least one semester or one summer session, not to exceed two consecutive semesters or one semester and one summer session, consecutively. They cannot intern more than three semesters or summer sessions total.

Students and their program supervisor will work out a schedule that works best for the intern and the staff member. Interns can work 1-20 hours per week and will follow all county closures.

Non-student internships are scheduled in six-week blocks, not to exceed 12 consecutive weeks or 18 non-consecutive weeks. Interns and their program supervisor will work out a schedule that works best for the intern and the staff member. Interns can work 8-20 hours per week and will follow all county closures.

It is the intern’s responsibility to arrive and leave on time.


All work areas are eligible to host interns, so long as all safety protocols are followed, and there is ample work available for the intern.

Interns must comply with all county policies and procedures, in addition to following all local, state and federal laws. They must also comply with all safety requirements. Failure to follow these policies, procedures, laws and safety protocols may result in immediate dismissal from the program.

Participants who ride in a county-owned vehicle must provide valid, state-issued identification. Participants are not authorized to drive county vehicles.


Participants are required to wear steel toed boots, jeans and a shirt for an O&M internship or job shadow, in addition to any weather-appropriate outerwear. JCW will supply a safety vest as well as gloves glasses and hardhat. For all other work areas, dress will be determined based on work area on the advisement of the staff supervisor.

If an intern in the program is unable to furnish the necessary clothing for an O&M position, they can discuss options with the program director. There is no guarantee JCW or Johnson County Government will furnish clothing for an intern or job shadow participant.

Get Started



Complete an internship application. The Spring 2025 application period is now closed. Please check back for summer internship opportunities.

Note: Potential interns will be assessed based on the quality of their applications, staffing and opportunities available in the desired workgroup, funding (if applicable), availability of applicant, or recommendation (if requested).

While letters of recommendation are not required for all interns, we reserve the right to request letters of recommendation when determining if an applicant can intern in a particular work area.


Welcome Letter and Onboarding

If you are selected for an internship, you will receive a welcome letter with all necessary paperwork that must be completed by you and/or your parent or guardian (if you are a minor). All paperwork must be submitted prior to the start of the internship. Paperwork includes liability waivers, development plan and internship agreement.


Your Internship

This is the fun part! You will work with your designated program supervisor and gain valuable experience in wastewater.

You will maintain an internship log to track your hours worked. If you are interning as part of a school requirement, you may follow your school's recordkeeping protocols instead.


Complete offboarding tasks

You will work with your staff supervisor to ensure all county items are returned and final tasks are completed.

Help us improve the program by completing a short offboarding survey and exit interview.