Community Development Reports
Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) to HUD
State and local governments that receive CDBG, Emergency Shelter Grants, Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), HOME, and HOPWA funds report all activity occurring through the last day of the program year in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER describes how funds were used, outlines the program year accomplishments and shows the extent to which these funds were used for activities that benefited low- and moderate-income people. Prior to submitting the CAPER to HUD, a summary of all comments received, either orally or in writing, will be made a part of the CAPER. 24 CFR 91.105(d)(2). Grantees are required to submit their CAPER to HUD within 90 days after the end of their annual program year.
Annual Action Plan to HUD
The one-year Action Plan describes the specific projects and activities that the County plans to undertake in the coming year to address the priority needs identified in the Consolidated Plan as well as those expressed during the Community Development and Housing Needs Assessment Public Hearing. The Action Plan provides information on the estimated amount of CDBG and HOME funds the County expects to receive in the coming program. 24 CFR 91.105(b)(1). Once the County receives the final amounts, the Plan will be updated, and is required to be submitted to HUD within 45 days. Homeless and other special needs activities can also be found in the Action Plan, along with actions that will be taken during the program year to address such issues as barriers to affordable housing, reduce lead-based paint hazards, obstacles to meeting underserved needs; and how the CDBG and HOME programs are monitored.
- 2024 Action Plan
- 2023 Action Plan
- 2022 Action Plan
- 2021 Action Plan Substantial Amendment HOME-ARP
- 2021 Action Plan
- 2021 Action Plan Substantial Amendment add development to HOME activities and HOME-ARP plan - 2024 revision
- 2019 Action Plan Substantial Amendment add development to HOME activities
- 2018 Action Plan Substantial Amendment add development to HOME activities
- 2017 Action Plan Substantial Amendment add development to HOME activities
- Public notices and summary of changes to 2021-2017 Action Plans
Five Year Consolidated Plan to HUD
The Consolidated Plan is a five-year strategic plan. It is a collaborative process whereby the community establishes a unified vision for community development actions and a comprehensive housing affordability strategy (CHAS) that sets forth the County’s policy for allocating investment among housing needs activities. The Strategic Plan is a statement of specific long-term and short-term community development objectives and priority non-housing community development needs. As the application for funding under the Community Planning and Development formula grant programs it is a strategy to be followed in carrying out HUD programs; and a management tool for tracking and measuring results submitted every five years.
- 2025-2029 Draft Consolidated Plan & Action Plan
- 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan & Action Plan Substantial Amendment add development to HOME activities
- 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan & Action Plan CARES Substantial Amendment
- 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan & Action Plan
- 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan & Action Plan
- Housing Market & Needs Analysis
- Citizen Participation Plan
- Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
- 2024 Update to Analysis of Impediment to Fair Housing Choice
- 2019 Update to Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
- Antidisplacement Relocation Plan
Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee
The Housing & Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) was created by the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), Resolution No. 115-02 and reorganized under Resolution No. 025-24. Its purpose is “to ensure that the needs of low- to moderate-income individuals and families, the elderly, disabled, minority and homeless populations are expressed and adequately reflected in Johnson County’s community development programs, housing programs and other initiatives, and to otherwise facilitate Johnson County's Housing and Community Development programs."
The HCDAC is made up of eleven Johnson County residents. The BOCC Chairman nominates four Citizen Representatives, who are subject to the approval of the BOCC. The Chairman’s nominees include one representative from each of the following: persons with disabilities; minorities; low-income households; and the homeless. In addition, the six (6) district county commissioners and the BOCC Chairman each nominate a Commissioner Representative, subject to the approval of the BOCC.
The HCDAC meets twice a year, in February and August. The Rating Subcommittees are made up of two to five volunteer Committee members to review and determine what CDBG and HOME applicants will be funded and how much funding they will receive. The Rating Teams meet in July.
For the full roster of HCDAC members please see the Johnson County Appointed Boards and Commissions page.
- February 2025: Agenda - Minutes
- December 2024 (Special Meeting): Agenda - Minutes
- August 2024: Agenda - Minutes
- March 2024 (Special Meeting): Agenda - Minutes
- February 2024 (Special Meeting): Agenda - Minutes
- February 2024: Agenda - Minutes
- September 2023 (Special Meeting): Agenda - Minutes
- August 2023: Agenda - Minutes
- February 2023: Agenda - Minutes
- September 2022 (Special Meeting): Agenda - Minutes
- August 2022: Agenda - Minutes
- February 2022: Agenda - Minutes