Housing and Community Development Needs Assessment

Each year Johnson County, Kansas receives an allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership federal funds for housing and community development projects from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The Community Development Department wants you to have a voice in how Johnson County invests these funds. As a condition of receiving funds, Johnson County must submit a five year Consolidated Plan to HUD outlining Johnson County’s housing, homeless, and community development strategies and goals.

The following survey questions ask for your opinion regarding your community and its needs. Responses will be used to develop the Johnson County 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. All responses are anonymous.

Please use the following definitions to inform your responses:

  • Critical Need: Means that this need is urgent and is not being met with current resources.
  • High Need: Means that this need is urgent, but needs additional resources to maintain the current situation.
  • Moderate Need:  Means that this need is not urgent, but needs additional resources to maintain the current situation.
  • Low Need: Means that this need is being adequately met with current resources.
  • No Need: Means that this is not a need at this time.