Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the county budget?
The budget is an annual financial plan for Johnson County Government. It specifies the level of county services to be provided in the coming year and the resources, including personnel positions, capital expenditures, and operating expenses needed to provide these services. It reflects the policies and priorities set by the Board of County Commissioners.
What is the county's current property tax rate?
Johnson County’s 2024 tax levy rate (in mills) is 24.358. Johnson County has three taxing districts:
- County 17.526
- Library 3.813
- Park and Recreation 3.022
What is a mill?
One mill is equal to $1.00 of property taxes per $1,000 of taxable value.
What is the difference between property taxes and ad valorem taxes?
There is no difference. They are different names for the same tax.
What is an operating budget?
It is the county's annual financial plan for recurring expenses, such as employee salaries and benefits, utilities, supplies and equipment, and other costs required to provide public services and programs.
What are dedicated funds?
Certain revenue in the county budget is dedicated by either state law or county policy to specific programs. These "dedicated funds" cannot be used for any other purpose. For example, wastewater capital and user charges can only be used to help pay for wastewater projects and operations, fees and charges for library programs and services can only be used to support the library.
What is the CIP?
The Capital Improvement Program is the county's annual financial plan for the construction of physical assets, such as construction of new buildings, improvements to existing county facilities, constructing and improving roadways, and funding of wastewater and stormwater projects.
The FY 2024 CIP totals $376.8 million. Excluding stormwater and wastewaster projects (totaling $210.8 million), which have dedicated funding sources, the CIP features approximately $166.0 million for various capital projects, including:
- County Assistance Road System program;
- Capital improvements by the Park and Recreation District; and,
- County's Bridge, Road and Culvert Program.
What is the general fund?
The general fund pays for the day-to-day operations of critical services the public expects but which are not supported by any other revenues.
What is a fiscal year?
A fiscal year is a 12-month operating cycle that comprises a budget and financial reporting period. Fiscal years are different for governments.
The fiscal year for local governments, including Johnson County and its cities, begins on Jan. 1 and ends on Dec. 31 in the same calendar year.
The fiscal year for the State of Kansas begins on July 1 and ends on the following June 30.
The fiscal year for the federal government starts on Oct. 1 and ends on the following Sept. 30.
Who determines the taxable value of property?
The Johnson County Appraiser's Office, located in the Sunset Drive Office Building, 11811 South Sunset Drive, Olathe, annually assesses the taxable value of all property in Johnson County.
The Board of County Commissioners has no control over the taxable value of property; it only has control over the annual property tax rate that is levied.
What is property tax in Kansas?
Your property tax dollars are used by city and county governments to provide funding for roads, parks, fire protection, law enforcement, public schools and many other local services.
What does the county appraiser do?
By state law, the county appraiser is responsible for listing and valuing property in a uniform and equal manner. The appraiser estimates only the value of your property. The amount of taxes you pay depends on the budgets set in August by city and county governments.
What is the sales tax rate for Johnson County?
The average county's average sales tax rate is 9.325%. This includes the statewide sales tax.
By state law, part of the revenue on some of the county's sales tax collections is shared with Johnson County cities. The county generally receives approximately 62.35% of the revenue and the cities get approximately 37.65% of the collections for their discretionary use for the Public Safety I, II and III sales tax. The County receives approximately 24.7% of the local sales tax while the cities receive 75.3%. The County receives 100% of the Stormwater sales tax.
What is the sales tax rate for the State of Kansas?
The State's sales tax rate is 6.5%.
What is the sales tax rate for Johnson County cities?
- Bonner Springs: 9.725%
- DeSoto: 9.725%
- Edgerton: 8.975%
- Fairway: 9.975%
- Gardner: 9.475%
- Lake Quivira: 7.975%
- Leawood: 9.100%
- Lenexa: 9.350%
- Merriam: 9.475%
- Mission: 9.725%
- Mission Hills: 9.225%
- Mission Woods: 8.975%
- Olathe: 9.475%
- Overland Park: 9.350%
- Prairie Village: 8.975%
- Roeland Park: 9.475%
- Shawnee: 9.600%
- Spring Hill: 9.475%
- Westwood 9.475%
- Westwood Hills: 8.975%
Average Sales Tax Rate: 9.325%
How many employees work in Johnson County?
The FY 2024 budget has a budgeted workforce of 4,265.94 FTEs.
What is an FTE?
The total scheduled work hours of county employees divided by the total work hours available annually provides the number of FTE (full-time equivalent) employees. A full-time employee working 40 hours per week equals one FTE where a part-time employee working 20 hours per week equals 0.5 FTE.
How can I get a copy of the county budget?
A copy of the FY 2024 budget along with past budgets is available for reviewing and downloading online at the home of the Department of Budget and Financial Planning.