Emerging artists offer art for sale

JCDS Holiday Sale

Emerging artists at Johnson County Developmental Supports will showcase their talents at a Holiday Art Sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, at the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center.

They are participants in Emerging Artists, an art-as-employment program offered through JCDS, featuring adult artists with intellectual/developmental disabilities who are passionate and driven to create artwork.

Through this program, artists can show and sell their artwork at their studio, local art shows and galleries. They also participate in marketing their work through their online store, Facebook and Instagram.

Sales from the artwork go directly to the artists. “JCDS Emerging Artists enables artists to make money in an industry not typically open for people with IDD and opens the door to equal citizenship, personal growth, communication, self-expression, self-advocacy and self-esteem,” said Courtney Fitzgerald, community relations manager at JCDS.

The Emerging Artists Online Store is bit.ly/EmergingArtistsStore.