Public Health Advisory: Sewer Line Break Near 81st and Nieman Road in Lenexa

Map of affected area
In collaboration with Johnson County Wastewater, the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment has issued a public health advisory to residents and businesses near 81st and Nieman Rd. in Lenexa, due to a 21-inch sanitary sewer line break that was damaged due to heavy rain.
JCW is onsite and working to contain the sewage flow into the creek. They are pumping the flow around the break and back into the sewer.
As a precaution, JCDHE advises individuals to have no contact with the creek water in this area until further notice. Residents are also advised to keep their pets from making contact with the creek water. This does not represent any impact/implications to the public water system (i.e. tap water).
JCW will post signage in this area, is monitoring this location and conducting water quality tests to determine when this notice can be lifted. An update will be sent once this notice is lifted.