NotifyJoCo now providing wastewater updates

NotifyJoCo, Johnson County’s emergency notification system, has expanded its notifications to include updates from Johnson County Wastewater.
The notification system now helps public stay informed of work being done in their neighborhood by Wastewater or an authorized contractor.
You can opt in to receive Wastewater updates that will be targeted by neighborhood for line cleaning and repair, capital improvement projects and more. To opt in, either log in or register, then select “Wastewater” from the list of alert subscriptions. It can be found in “Johnson County Government” in the “Public Health” subcategory.
You can also visit and enter your address into a GIS map to get details about any Wastewater work that impacts your area.
In addition to the new Wastewater updates, you can also receive NotifyJoCo alerts for a variety of situations, including severe weather, road closures, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.
NotifyJoCo is brought to you by a partnership by the county, WaterOne and participating cities. It’s the only place you can get water outage alerts from WaterOne.
You can choose to receive notifications via home, mobile or business phones, email address, text message and more. If you move, make sure to update your information through NotifyJoCo. You can register or edit your information online.
Find more information about NotifyJoCo at, and view this list of frequently asked questions.