New MED-ACT station in Shawnee will provide faster ambulance response times

The expansion of ambulance services will mean faster response times for thousands of Shawnee residents. Johnson County MED-ACT, the provider of Advanced Life Support ambulance service to Johnson County, and Johnson County Government celebrated the opening of MED-ACT Station #1131 in Shawnee with several partners and guests at a ribbon cutting April 30.
The station, located at 16300 Midland Drive, is an expansion of services to the Shawnee area. The new, approximately 5,400-square-foot facility will house the third ambulance to serve Shawnee, adding to the two existing crew locations that each house an ambulance.
With this expansion, ambulance response times are expected to be faster for nearly 70,000 Johnson County residents and visitors in the service area.
The building is new construction on land that was once a horse corral. The design will be used as a prototype for other stand-alone facilities (not in fire stations, community centers or other shared facilities). In fact, Station #1156, currently planned for western Olathe, uses the same design.
J. Paul Davis, director of Johnson County Emergency Services, emceed the ribbon cutting, and featured speakers included Mickey Sandifer, mayor of Shawnee, and Mike Kelly, chairman of the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners.
“As the county continues to grow, so too does its need for services,” Chairman Kelly said. “The Johnson County Board of County Commissioners is committed to providing exceptional services to its residents, and this station, with its capability to help keep ambulance response times low, is fulfilling that promise of continued exceptional service.”
Davis acknowledged the hard work of everyone involved in making the building a reality and focused on the reason for the station.
“We recognize the significant contributions of the MED-ACT team, whose unwavering commitment to the well-being of our community has been the driving force behind this project,” he said. “Their dedication to saving lives and providing excellent emergency medical services and out-of-hospital care is truly commendable, and this new station will undoubtedly enhance their ability to continue their life-saving work.”
Special guests to the ribbon cutting included area first responders and members of the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce.
MED-ACT has provided ambulance service to the residents of Johnson County since 1975.