Johnson County Wastewater recognized for winning six Peak Performance Awards

On Aug. 24, the Board of County Commissioners meeting recognized Johnson County Wastewater for winning six Peak Performance Awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies for distinguished performance in wastewater treatment.
NACWA recognizes public wastewater facilities for outstanding compliance with national pollutant discharge elimination system permit limits. This recognition program consists of Peak Performance Awards in three categories: the platinum award, the gold award, and the silver award.
All six of Johnson County Wastewater’s treatment facilities were recognized for outstanding compliance records in the 2022 calendar year, winning three platinum awards, one gold and two silver.
For 2022, JCW received NACWA Wastewater Peak Performance Awards for the following plants:
- Blue River Main received a Platinum 17 Award (recognizing them for 17 years of full compliance)
- New Century Air Center received a Platinum 11 Award (recognizing them for 11 years of full compliance)
- Douglas L. Smith Middle Basin received a Platinum 9 Award (recognizing them for nine years of full compliance)
- Nelson Complex received a Gold Peak Performance Award (achieved for one year of perfect 100% Compliance with their NPDES permit)
- Mill Creek Regional and Tomahawk Creek received a Silver Peak Performance Award (reported five or fewer violations to their NPDES permit in a one year period)
JCW provides for safe transport and treatment of water used by our community every day. Their work protects our rivers, lakes and streams while renewing life’s essential resource.