Johnson County gets clean audit for 2022 financial statements and 35th consecutive achievement award for financial reporting
The experts in charge of double checking how Johnson County spends its money gave us the highest marks possible. The external auditing firm Rubin Brown, LLP, reported to the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners at its scheduled meeting Thursday, July 20.
A representative gave good news about the 2022 financial statement audit and the 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.
“The county received an unmodified opinion on its 2022 Financial Statement Audit, which is the highest level of opinion we give as auditors,” said Chester Moyer, a partner at Rubin Brown, LLP.
Such a finding is important because bond rating agencies use the ACFR in part to determine the county’s ongoing “Triple Triple A” bond rating, which then affects our ability to borrow money for key projects. The audit of the report also helps the county provide proof of its financial responsibility when seeking grants.
Moyer noted that in addition to the audit of Johnson County’s financial statements, the auditors reviewed the county’s financial activities regarding the Federal Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund and again found nothing to report.
Because of the ACFR from 2021, Johnson County received its 35th consecutive Certificate of Financial Reporting Achievement from the Government Finance Officers’ Association.
“This is a very prestigious award that is won by very few,” said Becky Jones, deputy director of Financial Management and Administration for Johnson County. “Out of 105 counties in Kansas, only three won the award. Nationally, approximately 18 percent of counties across the country have won the award. We are very proud of this accomplishment.”