Johnson County to begin distribution of at-home COVID-19 tests

The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment will begin distributing free at-home COVID-19 tests from its Olathe office (11875 S. Sunset Drive) on April 25.
Tests will be distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. No appointment is needed. Anyone who needs a test can drive-thru and pick up an at-home rapid (antigen) COVID-19 test. You can voluntarily report a positive at-home test online. It gives us a better idea of the amount of the virus in our community.
Testing is recommended for individuals who have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Rapid tests are self-administered, and results are available within 15 minutes.
Free PCR saliva tests will be available upon request. PCR saliva tests also are self-administered and require the individual to complete an online registration form with a local lab and mail or drop-off (at the lab) the saliva sample within 24 hours of collection. Instruction on where to drop off the sample is included in the online registration process. The lab provides test results directly to the individual via email within 48 hours of receiving the sample. Testing instructions are included with the at-home and PCR saliva testing kits.
“Testing is a key part of our strategy to control the spread of this virus in Johnson County,” says Dr. Sanmi Areola, JCDHE director. “If you know you’re infected, you can begin isolating and avoid giving the virus to someone else, such as a person who may be high risk for severe illness from COVID-19.”