JoCo on the Go Podcast: JoCo Remembers 9/11

On JoCo on the Go, episode #104, our world was forever changed 20 years ago. On this 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we remember where we were, the impact it had on us and the 2,977 lives lost that day. You’ll hear from Johnson County Airport Commission Executive Director Aaron Otto about his ties to the Pentagon and the realization of losing a friend killed during the attacks. Also hear from Overland Park’s Jason Rhodes about the city’s 9/11 memorial that attracts people year after year. Find out what Overland Park has in store to observe the two decades that have passed. Also hear from Johnson County staff about the JoCo Remembers event, proclamation signing and impressive flag display to commemorate the anniversary.

JoCo on the Go webcast, episode #104: JoCo Remembers 9/11

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