JoCo on the Go, Johnson County Government’s podcast, surpasses 40,000 downloads

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Just in time for National Podcast Day on Saturday, Sept. 30, Johnson County Government’s podcast recently surpassed a major milestone: 40,000 downloads.

The JoCo on the Go podcast has featured 158 episodes since its launch in August 2019, marking its fourth anniversary this August. Produced by the county’s Public Information Office, JoCo on the Go sheds light on topics ranging from COVID-19 to the 2020 Census to severe weather.

Episodes feature interviews with local government staff and community members, who share their knowledge and expertise on the podcast topic. Past guests have included nurses who work for the county, the director of a Theatre in the Park production and more.

Over the past 12 months, Johnson County has released 15 episodes of JoCo on the Go, totaling more than 2,500 downloads. The most-viewed podcast episodes during this time include:

The most recent episode, on Preparedness Month, highlights steps you can take to prepare for disasters – including signing up for NotifyJoCo.

With National Podcast Day coming up, we encourage you to check out JoCo on the Go. Whether you live in or just love Johnson County, Kansas, the podcast has everything Johnson County.

You can follow JoCo on the Go on Podbean or subscribe on Apple PodcastsStitcherSpotify or where you regularly listen to podcasts. You can also explore all previous episodes at

County Manager's Office