Important COVID-19 Update from the Housing Authority

Income change reports are being accepted in person. Refer to signage at front door for location and directions. Elevated measures to protect your health and safety, as well as our own, during the COVID-19 pandemic remain in effect.

With COVID-19 reaching pandemic status and active cases surfacing in Johnson County, our top priority is maintaining the safety and well-being of our clients, landlord partners and employees. We are actively following direction and recommendations from HUD, CDC, State and County officials to help prevent the spread of germs and infection. Because there is currently no vaccine, the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed and practice preventive measures which can be found at the CDC website.

For HCV Participants in re-certification, please send Tenant Data Sheet and all required documents via e-mail, fax, US Mail or place in drop-boxes located on the front of our building. For HCV Participants reporting income, certifications, or other changes, please complete Change Form or No Income Certification and provide required documents via e-mail, fax, US Mail or place in the large drop-box located at the front of our building.

Johnson County Housing Authority will no longer make copies.  It will be the HCV Participant’s responsibility to provide copies of all required documents.

Annual HQS Inspections are being postponed until further notice.  Move-in inspections of unoccupied units will continue.

As always, please contact your Occupancy Specialist, by phone or e-mail, with any questions.  Thank you for your cooperation and continued support as we work together to maintain the health of our community.

Planning, Housing and Community Development