Board of County Commissioners Monthly Recap: April 2024

Here are some highlights of the Board of County Commissioners’ actions in April 2024. More information, including official minutes, votes and videos on all items is available at

Agreement for MED-ACT co-location

Authorized a license agreement with the City of Overland Park for the purpose of MED-ACT co-location at Station 41 (7550 W. 75th St.) and to provide usable space, outlined in Exhibit A, for MED-ACT personnel, ambulance/response vehicles, equipment and supplies for a term of 20 years with a one-time payment to Overland Park in the amount of $3,342,902 to be effective April 8, 2024; and authorized the use of budgeted, approved funds in an amount not to exceed $3,342,902. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Funds to design wastewater improvements at AirCenter

After a public hearing, authorized funds for the design and bid phase of the New Century AirCenter Wastewater Treatment Facility Equalization Basin, Pumping and Solids Thickening Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $1,218,600. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Addition of substance abuse counselor

Approved the addition of a 1.0 FTE grant-funded substance abuse counselor position in the Therapeutic Community to be funded by the UCS Substance Use Continuum of Care Fund. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Contract for transit consultation services

Authorized an exception to competition to contract with HNTB Corporation to provide consultation services for the Johnson County Transportation Connection Plan – Southwest Metro Area for a total cost not to exceed $249,569. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Conversion of some election workers to county employees

Authorized the conversion of certain election workers to county employees through the addition of 4.4 FTE, which breaks down as three - 0.4 FTE part-time, no-benefits election workers and 32 - 0.1 FTE on-call election workers in the Election Office to support elections in Johnson County. Positions will be funded within the current Election Office budget for FY 2024. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Board of County Commissioners
Public Meetings