Day of Older Persons set Oct. 1

International Day of Older Persons

The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated on Oct. 1. The purpose of the day is to increase awareness of the impact of an aging population.

One can observe this important day in several ways, such as chatting with an older person, volunteering time with an elderly organization or becoming an advocate. It is important we as a community embrace aging. There are almost 900 million people in the world older than 60.

This day is a time to give older persons our respect and attention; a time to be kind and humble in the presence of a long life well-lived. It is a time to educate younger people on the many issues faced by the elderly.

Focusing on the challenges faced by the elderly reminds us that there is still much to learn about ourselves and the world. We should look to them for guidance whenever and wherever possible. We want people in society to be able to grow old with dignity.