Moving Into Evergreen

Each inquiry Evergreen receives is independently evaluated based on a large number of considerations. Evergreen carefully considers each individual’s circumstances to determine whether we can meet medical and behavioral needs and help continue a life well lived. 

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Evergreen Community Referral Requirements

Flowers in Courtyard

Initiating a referral to Evergreen requires that the following steps are completed:

  • Initial contact must be made with Evergreen’s Life Transitions at (913) 477-8227.
  • Relevant medical records must be released and forwarded to Evergreen for review, including an individual’s “CARE Assessment.”
  • Funding information must be disclosed by providing a copy of your insurance card, contact information for your insurance carrier or case manager, or by providing proof of private pay resources.

The form that can be found below is designed to help potential individuals and their families gather and compile the information necessary to move into a long term care community, such as Evergreen.

Pre Move-In Information

Pre Move-In Checklist 

Evergreen Community Post-Referral Steps

Once a referral has been made and Evergreen has been provided with all relevant information, Evergreen will undertake the following steps:

  • Review available medical records and discuss as a committee.
  • Conduct an in-person assessment to meet the individual before they move in.
  • Verify insurance benefits and contact your case manager or insurance carrier and/or review your financial information.

Once Evergreen has determined that an individual would be an appropriate resident, and a room becomes available, our Director of Community and Life Enhancement will assist in making arrangements for getting to Evergreen.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is natural for individuals and their families to have questions or even doubts about transitioning to a new home, especially under unexpected and stressful circumstances. We are happy to make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have about Evergreen, but you may find this list of frequently asked questions helpful in answering a few of the most common questions that we hear.

What is a CARE Assessment?

In Kansas, a CARE Assessment shows proof that an individual has undergone a Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) by their local Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC).  PASRRs are mandated by the federal government and they assure that an individual is appropriate for long term care placement in a community such as Evergreen.  Evergreen requires a CARE Assessment, or an equivalent out-of-state PASRR, be done prior to moving in.  If you do not already have one, you can request one at your local ADRC or by calling (913) 715-8820.

Does Evergreen accept Medicaid?

Evergreen accepts privately paying individuals.  We also accept Medicare for those individuals using their Part A, hospital benefit.  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Evergreen is also proud to accept Medicaid.  Our Life Transition Specialist will help you navigate these systems every step of the way.

How will I get to Evergreen?

For those individuals whose family cannot or choose not to transport their loved one to move in, Evergreen provides transportation up to an hour away in any direction in a safe, wheelchair van.

What should I bring to Evergreen?

Evergreen suggests that you bring the following items:

  • Clothing (Evergreen can label)
  • Favorite brands of toiletries (generic brands are provided)
  • Favorite media (T.V./phone/radio/cassette/CD player)
  • Family pictures/wall hangings/decorations
  • Familiar comforter or bedspread
  • Comfortable chair/recliner

These items cannot be left in rooms:

  • Matches, lighters, cigarettes, or other tobacco products
  • Rugs (for safety reasons)
  • Knives
  • Valuables
  • Medications (These must be ordered by the physician and left with the nurse.)
  • Extension cords

What happens when I get to Evergreen?

Each individual moving into Evergreen will be met by several staff persons to complete various assessments to help make sure we can meet his/her needs.  This may include nursing staff, social workers, therapists, and homemakers.  Please let us know during this time if there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable.

Are there visiting hours?

No. Family and friends are welcome to visit day or night. We do ask, however, that if you plan on visiting early in the morning or late at night that you be considerate of other residents that may be sleeping. Visitation is limited at this time and is based on CDC and CMS recommendations.

Does Evergreen have a staff doctor?

Evergreen has a Medical Director who serves as the primary care physician for most of the individuals who live at Evergreen. If you wish to use another physician, be sure to coordinate this with our Life Transition Specialist before moving in. In addition to the Medical Director, Evergreen also partners with other physicians to come on site including a podiatrist, optometrist, dentist, psychologist, and psychiatrist.

Are animals welcome at Evergreen?

Personal pets will need to be discussed with our Life Transition Specialist and are handled on a case by case basis. However, Evergreen has several animals that live on the neighborhoods in the community, including cats, fish, and birds. Dogs and other animals are welcome to visit with staff and families as long as vet records have been provided to Evergreen staff.