Court Security

Court Security Mission
We strive to ensure the safety and provide the highest quality of service to the citizens of Johnson County. This is done by providing security in the Johnson County Courthouse where members of the judiciary, the public, law enforcement officials, and courthouse employees are able to fulfill their duties, obligations, and responsibilities with a minimal threat of danger to their person and/or property.
Court Security Duties
The Court Security Division is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During business hours, the primary function of this division is to provide a safe and orderly environment within the Courthouse, the County Administration Building, the Justice Annex, and the surrounding areas. Court Security staff maintain a secured entrance to the Courthouse and Justice Annex by which all persons and their property must pass through a metal detector and x-ray machine. This function is to identify items that are illegal or prohibited, and to keep these items from entering the Courthouse. On average, over 600,000 persons are screened into the Courthouse and Justice Annex each year.
In addition to providing a secured entrance, deputies provide security when requested or needed for high-profile or high-risk hearings, attempt warrant service, and take subjects into custody when remanded by the courts. Deputies also conduct perimeter checks, perform civil service, take reports, and perform numerous other tasks as needed.
After business hours, Court Security Deputies continue with building and perimeter security. They perform warrant confirmations and make notifications to the Investigations Division, and the District Attorney's office when needed. These deputies also answer general calls from the public, assisting them with a multitude of situations.
To request further information, please contact the Court Security Division at 913-715-5280.
Courthouse Security Screening
Screening Process
- All persons entering the Johnson County Courthouse or the Justice Annex must proceed directly through security screening.
- Any person entering the Johnson County Courthouse or the Justice Annex will be subject to a search for prohibited items. This may involve the removal of jackets, belts, shoes and other loose items found in pockets and on the person.
- All persons will be directed to pass through a metal detector.
- If a person is unable to clear the walk-through metal detector, a non-intrusive handheld detector will be used
- A pat-down search may be conducted on individuals with physical disabilities or individuals who are unable to successfully pass the walk-through metal detector or the handheld scanner.
Prohibited Items
The following items are prohibited from entering the Courthouse and the Justice Annex building:
- Aerosol Sprays
- Ammunition
- Box Cutters
- Carpet Knife
- Crochet Knitting Needles
- Fingernail Files (metal)
- Firearms
- Handcuff Key
- Leatherman
- Long Metal Chains (billfold / wallet chains)
- Martial Arts / Defense Weapons
- Metal Forks
- Multi Tools
- Pen Knife
- Pepper Spray / Mace
- Pocket Knives
- Pocket Tools
- Razor Blades
- Stun Guns
- Table / Steak Knives
- Toy Weapons
- Scissors
- Screwdriver
- Utility Knives
- Bladed Instruments
- Cutting Tools of any size or description
*or any item deemed to be a security risk or considered prohibitive by Court Security staff.