BOCC approves recommendations to return to in-person meetings

The Johnson County Board of County Commissioners approved a recommendation to return to in-person meetings, beginning April 8, with the following provisions:

  1. The meeting room will continue to be set up for social distancing,
  2. Staff and commissioners will have the option to join the meeting remotely, either by Zoom or by phone.
  3. Public comments will be accepted both in-person and by Zoom audio.
  4. To provide equitable access, public speakers will continue to sign up ahead of time, with a deadline of noon the Wednesday before the meeting.
  5. Public speakers will be admitted into the BOCC Hearing Room in the order specified by the deputy clerk.

The recommendation and provisions were made by a commissioner subcommittee appointed at the March 25 meeting of the BOCC to address the return to in-person meetings. Serving on the committee were: BOCC Vice Chair Janeé Hanzlick, Commissioner Shirley Allenbrand and Commissioner Jeff Meyers.

After considering various options, consulting with county staff and the Sheriff’s Office, the subcommittee recommended that the Board resume meeting in-person with provisions to ensure meetings can be conducted in a fair, orderly, and efficient manner, providing adequate safeguards for the health and safety of the public and staff. 

Individuals wishing to speak may register by completing this registration form. Please watch for more details in the coming days.

Board of County Commissioners
County Manager's Office
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